Cláudio Martins
Cláudio Martins
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Laboratory and in-situ non-destructive methods to evaluate the thermal transmittance and behavior of walls, windows, and construction elements with innovative materials: A review
N Soares, C Martins, M Gonçalves, P Santos, LS da Silva, JJ Costa
Energy and Buildings 182, 88-110, 2019
Lightweight steel-framed thermal bridges mitigation strategies: A parametric study
C Martins, P Santos, LS da Silva
Journal of Building Physics 39 (4), 342-372, 2016
Thermal transmittance of lightweight steel framed walls: Experimental versus numerical and analytical approaches
P Santos, M Gonçalves, C Martins, N Soares, JJ Costa
Journal of Building Engineering 25, 100776, 2019
Thermal performance of lightweight steel framed wall: The importance of flanking thermal losses
P Santos, C Martins, LS da Silva, L Bragança
Journal of Building Physics 38 (1), 81-98, 2014
Cuticular waxes of the holm (Quercus ilex l. subsp. ballota (desf.) samp.) and cork (Q. suber l.) oaks
CMC Martins, SMM Mesquita, WLC Vaz
Phytochemical Analysis: An International Journal of Plant Chemical and …, 1999
Thermal performance of lightweight steel-framed construction systems
P Santos, C Martins, LS da Silva
Metallurgical Research & Technology 111 (6), 329-338, 2014
A note on the third-order moment structure of a bilinear model with non-independent shocks
CM Martins
Portugaliae Mathematica 56 (1), 115-126, 1999
A note on the autocorrelations related to a bilinear model with non-independent shocks
CM Martins
Statistics & probability letters 36 (3), 245-250, 1997
Lighweight steel framed construction systems
C Martins, P Santos, L Simoes da Silva
Contribution of Sustainable Building to Meet EU, 20-20, 2014
The FSSC 22000 certification
N Soares, C Martins, AA Vicente
John Wiley & Sons, 2016
Resistência mecânica de painéis com estrutura leve em aço (LSF) sujeitos a cargas laterais
N Rosa, C Martins, J Henriques, P Santos, H Gervásio, LS da Silva
XI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, Coimbra. ResearchGate, 2017
Edifícios com estrutura leve em aço enformado a frio (LSF): Vantagens e desvantagens do sistema
C Martins, N Rosa, P Santos, L Silva
XI Congresso de construção metálica e mista, 2017
Safety and Health in Construction: Asbestos
C Martins, P Santos, P Palhinha, L Serra e Silva
Arezes, P., Baptista, J., Barroso, M., Carneiro, P., Cordeiro, P., Costa, N …, 2012
Desempenho Térmico de Paredes com Estrutura Leve em Aço Enformado a Frio
CMO Martins
Systems with PCM-filled rectangular cavities for the storage of solar thermal energy for buildings: the case of the PCMs4Buildings project
N Soares, AG Lopes, M Gonçalves, AR Gaspar, C Martins, T Matias, ...
Seminar PCMs4Buildings–PCMs: Thermophysical characterization and buildings …, 2018
Phase change materials for improving the thermal performance of LSF construction
P Santos, MG Gonçalves, C Martins, N Soares, JJ Costa
Proc. of the Seminar PCMs4Buildings–PCMs: Thermophysical characterization …, 2018
Desenvolvimento de um protocolo experimental para medir o desempenho térmico de paredes em LSF
M Gonçalves, C Martins, N Soares, P Santos, JJ Costa
CLBMCS 2018| 3º Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Materiais de Construção …, 2018
Determinação experimental do coeficiente de transmissão térmica de uma parede com estrutura leve em aço enformado a frio
C Martins, M Gonçalves, P Santos, JJ Costa, N Soares, L Simões da Silva
Proc. of the XI Congresso de Construção Metálica e Mista, 199-208, 2017
Asymptotic separation-based tests for noise processes against first order diagonal bilinear dependence
E Gonçalves, CM Martins, N Mendes-Lopes
Annales de l'ISUP 45 (2-3), 9-27, 2001
Higher order moments of bilinear subdiagonal models with non-independent shocks
CM Martins
Annales de l'ISUP, 1, 1999
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Artigos 1–20