Sigit P Hadiwardoyo
Sigit P Hadiwardoyo
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The data mining applied for the prediction of highway roughness due to overloaded trucks
AI Rifai, SP Hadiwardoyo, AG Correia, PAA Pereira, P Cortez
Universitas Indonesia, Fakultas Kedokteran, 2015
Genetic Algorithm Applied for Optimization of Pavement Maintenance under Overload Traffic: Case Study Indonesia National Highway
AI Rifai, SP Hadiwardoyo, AG Correia, P Pereira
Applied Mechanics and Materials 845, 369-378, 2016
The influence of Buton asphalt additive on skid resistance based on penetration index and temperature
SP Hadiwardoyo, ES Sinaga, H Fikri
Construction and Building Materials 42, 5-10, 2013
Generalised effective stress analysis of strength and small strains behaviour of a silty sand, from dry to saturated state
JM Fleureau, S Hadiwardoyo, AG Correia
Soils and Foundations 43 (4), 21-33, 2003
Pavement Maintenance Optimization Strategies for National Road Network in Indonesia Applying Genetic Algorithm
Hamdi, SP Hadiwardoyo, AG Correia, P Pereira
Procedia engineering 210, 253-260, 2017
Evaluation of the addition of short coconut fibers on the characteristics of asphalt mixtures
SP Hadiwardoyo
Civil and Environmental Research 3 (4), 63-73, 2013
Developing a model of toll road service quality using an artificial neural network approach
HT Zuna, SP Hadiwardoyo, H Rahadian
International Journal of Technology 7 (4), 562-570, 2016
Tolerance limit for trucks with excess load in transport regulation in Indonesia
SP Hadiwardoyo, RJ Sumabrata, MA Berawi
Makara Journal of Technology 16 (1), 13, 2012
Small and large strain behaviour of an unsaturated compacted silt
S Taïbi, JM Fleureau, S Hadiwardoyo, S Kheirbek-Saoud
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 12 (3), 203-228, 2008
Use of Buton asphalt additive on moisture damage sensitivity and rutting performance of asphalt mixtures
SP Hadiwardoyo, H Fikri
Civ. Environ. Res 3 (3), 100-108, 2013
Prediction of surface distress using neural networks
H Hamdi, SP Hadiwardoyo, AG Correia, P Pereira, P Cortez
AIP conference proceedings 1855 (1), 2017
System Dynamics Model for Airport Characterization in Hub-and-Spoke Networks
E Yuliawati, SP Hadiwardoyo, B Susantono, T Tjahjono
International Journal of Technology 6 (5), 733-742, 2015
Bi-level model on freight distribution network integration in archipelagic region with milk run time windows and uncertainty
WP Humang, SP Hadiwardoyo
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 13 (5), 831-841, 2020
Skid resistance of gap graded hot-mix asphalt with added crumb rubber
RH Ariyapijati, SP Hadiwardoyo, RJ Sumabrata
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1376 (1), 012010, 2019
Port connectivity model in the perspective of multimodal transport: a conceptual framework
F Indriastiwi, SP Hadiwardoyo
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1052 (1), 012008, 2021
Intercity mode choice modelling: considering the intracity transport systems with application to the Jakarta-Bandung corridor
LS Barus, H Martell-Flores, SP Hadiwardoyo, JL Batoz
International Journal of Technology 7 (4), 581-591, 2016
Effect of fibers content on the tensile properties of coconut fibers reinforced cement mortar composites
RH Lumingkewas, G Ausias, T Lecompte, A Perrot, I Katili, H Purnomo, ...
Advanced Materials Research 742, 92-97, 2013
V, and Gomes Correia, A., 2002, Influence of suction on the dynamic properties of a silty sand
JM Fleureau, S Hadiwardoyo, EL Dufour-Laridan, V LANGLOIS
Unsaturated Soils 2, 463-471, 0
Simplified approach to the behavior of compacted soils on drying and wetting paths
JM Fleureau, S Hadiwardoyo, S Kheirbek-Saoud
Unsaturated Soils-Volume 3, 1147-1154, 2021
The compressive strength of coconut fibers reinforced NANO concrete composite
RH Lumingkewas, AH Yuwono, SP Hadiwardoyo, D Saparudin
Materials Science Forum 943, 105-110, 2019
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Articles 1–20