Andrea Peruffo
Andrea Peruffo
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Formal synthesis of Lyapunov neural networks
A Abate, D Ahmed, M Giacobbe, A Peruffo
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (3), 773-778, 2020
FOSSIL: a software tool for the formal synthesis of lyapunov functions and barrier certificates using neural networks
A Abate, D Ahmed, A Edwards, M Giacobbe, A Peruffo
Proceedings of the 24th international conference on hybrid systems …, 2021
Lighting control with distributed wireless sensing and actuation for daylight and occupancy adaptation
A Peruffo, A Pandharipande, D Caicedo, L Schenato
Energy and Buildings 97, 13-20, 2015
Automated and formal synthesis of neural barrier certificates for dynamical models
A Peruffo, D Ahmed, A Abate
International conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and …, 2021
Automated and sound synthesis of Lyapunov functions with SMT solvers
D Ahmed, A Peruffo, A Abate
Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems: 26th …, 2020
A new recursive least squares method with multiple forgetting schemes
F Fraccaroli, A Peruffo, M Zorzi
2015 54th IEEE conference on decision and control (CDC), 3367-3372, 2015
Fossil 2.0: Formal Certificate Synthesis for the Verification and Control of Dynamical Models
A Edwards, A Peruffo, A Abate
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2024
Akka. js: towards a portable actor runtime environment
G Stivan, A Peruffo, P Haller
Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Programming Based on Actors …, 2015
Data-driven abstractions for verification of deterministic systems
R Coppola, A Peruffo, M Mazo Jr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.01793, 2022
Data-driven abstractions for verification of linear systems
R Coppola, A Peruffo, M Mazo
IEEE Control Systems Letters 7, 2737-2742, 2023
Data-driven abstractions with probabilistic guarantees for linear petc systems
A Peruffo, M Mazo
IEEE Control Systems Letters 7, 115-120, 2022
Augmented neural Lyapunov control
D Grande, A Peruffo, E Anderlini, G Salavasidis
IEEE Access 11, 67979-67986, 2023
Aggregated Markov models of a heterogeneous population of photovoltaic panels
A Peruffo, E Guiu, P Panciatici, A Abate
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 14th International Conference, QEST 2017 …, 2017
Systematic synthesis of passive fault-tolerant augmented neural Lyapunov control laws for nonlinear systems
D Grande, D Fenucci, A Peruffo, E Anderlini, AB Phillips, G Thomas, ...
2023 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5851-5856, 2023
Aggregation and control of a heterogeneous population of solar panels over the grid frequency
A Peruffo, E Guiu, P Panciatici, A Abate
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 29 (4), 1420-1436, 2020
A General Verification Framework for Dynamical and Control Models via Certificate Synthesis
A Edwards, A Peruffo, A Abate
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.06090, 2023
Data-Driven Abstractions for Control Systems
R Coppola, A Peruffo, M Mazo Jr
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.10668, 2024
Synchronous frequency grid dynamics in the presence of a large-scale population of photovoltaic panels
A Peruffo, A Abate, E Guiu, P Panciatici
2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC), 1-7, 2018
Safety guarantees for the electricity grid with significant renewables generation
A Peruffo, E Guiu, P Panciatici, A Abate
Quantitative Evaluation of Systems: 16th International Conference, QEST 2019 …, 2019
Impact of solar panels and cooling devices on frequency control after a generation loss incident
A Peruffo, E Guiu, P Panciatici, A Abate
2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 5904-5909, 2018
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