Exploratory study of urban flow using taxi traces M Veloso, S Phithakkitnukoon, C Bento, N Fonseca, P Olivier First Workshop on Pervasive Urban Applications (PURBA) in conjunction with …, 2011 | 56 | 2011 |
Supporting differentiated instruction in programming courses through permanent progress monitoring N Gil Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2018 | 14 | 2018 |
Using early plagiarism detection in programming classes to address the student’s difficulties NG Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes Simpósio Internacional de Informática Educativa, 2018 | 12 | 2018 |
CodeInsights: Monitoring programming students' progress NG Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computer Systems and …, 2016 | 11 | 2016 |
Monitoring the progress of programming students supported by a digital teaching assistant NG Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 18th EPIA Conference on Artificial …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Augmenting the teacher’s perspective on programming student’s performance via permanent monitoring NG Fonseca, L Macedo, MJ Marcelino, AJ Mendes 48th Annual Frontiers in Education (FIE’18) Conference, 2018 | 6 | 2018 |
The importance of using the CodeInsights monitoring tool to support teaching programming in the context of a pandemic NG Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes 2021 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-8, 2021 | 3 | 2021 |
Selective delivery of points of interest NG Fonseca, L Rente, C Bento Ambient Intelligence: First International Joint Conference, AmI 2010, Malaga …, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |
CodeInsights-Monitorização do desempenho de alunos de programação NG Fonseca, AJ Mendes, L Macedo Ambientes Virtuais no Ensino Superior, 179, 2016 | 1 | 2016 |
Artificial Selective Attention for In-Vehicle Information Systems NG Fonseca, L Rente, C Bento Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Human Centred Design for …, 2010 | 1 | 2010 |
A study on the students' perspective about the usage of a programming monitoring tool NG Fonseca, L Macedo, AJ Mendes 2019 International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE), 1-6, 2019 | | 2019 |
Keystroke Disambiguation on Reduced Keyboards Supported on a User Model N Fonseca, C Bento | | |
Delivery of Traveller Information Supported on Surprise and Relevance NG Fonseca, L Macedo, C Bento | | |
Disambiguation on Reduced Keyboards Supported on a User Model N Fonseca, C Bento | | |
Desambiguação em Teclados Reduzidos Suportada por Modelos de Utilizador N Fonseca | | |