Michael L Raymer
Michael L Raymer
Professor of Computer Science, Wright State University
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Dimensionality reduction using genetic algorithms
ML Raymer, WF Punch, ED Goodman, LA Kuhn, AK Jain
IEEE transactions on evolutionary computation 4 (2), 164-171, 2000
Fundamental concepts of bioinformatics
DE Krane
Pearson Education India, 2002
Predicting conserved water-mediated and polar ligand interactions in proteins using a K-nearest-neighbors genetic algorithm
ML Raymer, PC Sanschagrin, WF Punch, S Venkataraman, ED Goodman, ...
Journal of molecular biology 265 (4), 445-464, 1997
Dynamic adaptive binning: an improved quantification technique for NMR spectroscopic data
PE Anderson, DA Mahle, TE Doom, NV Reo, NJ DelRaso, ML Raymer
Metabolomics 7, 179-190, 2011
Knowledge discovery in medical and biological datasets using a hybrid Bayes classifier/evolutionary algorithm
ML Raymer, TE Doom, LA Kuhn, WF Punch
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 33 …, 2003
Amino acid cost and codon-usage biases in 6 prokaryotic genomes: a whole-genome analysis
EM Heizer Jr, DW Raiford, ML Raymer, TE Doom, RV Miller, DE Krane
Molecular biology and evolution 23 (9), 1670-1680, 2006
Empirical analysis of the STR profiles resulting from conceptual mixtures
DR Paoletti, TE Doom, CM Krane, ML Raymer, DE Krane
Journal of forensic sciences 50 (6), JFS2004475-6, 2005
Explaining trained neural networks with semantic web technologies: First steps
MK Sarker, N Xie, D Doran, M Raymer, P Hitzler
arXiv preprint arXiv:1710.04324, 2017
Genetic programming for improved data mining-application to the biochemistry of protein interactions
ML Raymer, WF Punch, ED Goodman, LA Kuhn
Proceedings of the first annual conference on genetic programming, 375-380, 1996
Rethinking engineering mathematics education: a model for increased retention, motivation, and success in engineering
N Klingbeil
2004 Annual Conference, 9.1068. 1-9.1068. 12, 2004
Gaussian binning: a new kernel-based method for processing NMR spectroscopic data for metabolomics
PE Anderson, NV Reo, NJ DelRaso, TE Doom, ML Raymer
Metabolomics 4, 261-272, 2008
Antidiabetic and antimalarial biguanide drugs are metal-interactive antiproteolytic agents
D Sweeney, ML Raymer, TD Lockwood
Biochemical pharmacology 66 (4), 663-677, 2003
The networks of human gut microbe–metabolite associations are different between health and irritable bowel syndrome
V Shankar, D Homer, L Rigsbee, HJ Khamis, S Michail, M Raymer, ...
The ISME journal 9 (8), 1899-1903, 2015
Simultaneous feature extraction and selection using a masking genetic algorithm
ML Raymer, WF Punch, ED Goodman, PC Sanschagrin, LA Kuhn
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, 561-567, 1997
A national model for engineering mathematics education
N Klingbeil, K Rattan, M Raymer, D Reynolds, R Mercer, A Kukreti, ...
2007 Annual Conference & Exposition, 12.75. 1-12.75. 18, 2007
Do Amino Acid Biosynthetic Costs Constrain Protein Evolution in Saccharomyces cerevisiae?
DW Raiford, EM Heizer, RV Miller, H Akashi, ML Raymer, DE Krane
Journal of molecular evolution 67, 621-630, 2008
Population structure, multiple paternity, and long-distance transport of spermatozoa in the freshwater mussel Lampsilis cardium (Bivalvia:Unionidae)
CD Ferguson, MJ Blum, ML Raymer, MS Eackles, DE Krane
Freshwater Science 32 (1), 267-282, 2013
Evaluating forensic DNA evidence: essential elements of a competent defense review
WC Thompson, S Ford, T Doom, M Raymer, D Krane
The Champion 27 (16), 16-25, 2003
GA-facilitated classifier optimization with varying similarity measures
MR Peterson, TE Doom, ML Raymer
Proceedings of the 7th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary …, 2005
Do gut microbial communities differ in pediatric IBS and health?
V Shankar, R Agans, B Holmes, M Raymer, O Paliy
Gut microbes 4 (4), 347-352, 2013
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