sarang pendharker
Cited by
Cited by
Optically controlled frequency-reconfigurable microstrip antenna with low photoconductivity
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
IEEE antennas and wireless propagation letters 13, 99-102, 2014
Thermal graphene metamaterials and epsilon-near-zero high temperature plasmonics
S Pendharker, H Hu, S Molesky, R Starko-Bowes, Z Poursoti, S Pramanik, ...
Journal of Optics 19 (5), 055101, 2017
Extreme ultraviolet plasmonics and Cherenkov radiation in silicon
P Shekhar, S Pendharker, H Sahasrabudhe, D Vick, M Malac, R Rahman, ...
Optica 5 (12), 1590-1596, 2018
-symmetric spectral singularity and negative-frequency resonance
S Pendharker, Y Guo, F Khosravi, Z Jacob
Physical Review A 95 (3), 033817, 2017
Total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy to investigate the distribution of residual bitumen in oil sands tailings
SS Shende, S Pendharker, Z Jacob, N Nazemifard
Energy & Fuels 30 (7), 5537-5546, 2016
Spin photonic forces in non-reciprocal waveguides
S Pendharker, F Kalhor, T Van Mechelen, S Jahani, N Nazemifard, ...
Optics express 26 (18), 23898-23910, 2018
Axial super-resolution evanescent wave tomography
Sarang Pendharker, Swapnali Shende, Ward Newman, Stephen Ogg, Neda ...
Optics Letters 41 (23), 5499-5502, 2016
Fast electrons interacting with a natural hyperbolic medium: bismuth telluride
P Shekhar, S Pendharker, D Vick, M Malac, Z Jacob
Optics Express 27 (5), 6970-6975, 2019
Three-dimensional optical tomography of bitumen and clay association in oil sands tailings
S Pendharker, S Shende, Z Jacob, N Nazemifard
Fuel 207, 262-267, 2017
Wireless to optical phase mapping in a seamless digital wireless-photonic link
N Ghosh, S Pendharker
Journal of Optics 23 (12), 125702, 2021
Optically controlled frequency switching band stop filter
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
2012 IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 151-152, 2012
Electro-Optic Beamforming for Wireless-to-Optical Seamless Constellation-Mapping
N Ghosh, S Pendharker
Journal of Lightwave Technology 41 (18), 5851-5862, 2023
Electrical modeling of photonic crystal defects
PB Patil, S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 54 (11), 2522-2528, 2012
A novel T-shaped optically controlled microwave phase shifter
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
2011 IEEE International Conference on Microwaves, Communications, Antennas …, 2011
Gyrotropy-governed isofrequency surfaces and photonic spin in gyromagnetic media
R Sen, S Pendharker
Physical Review A 105 (2), 023528, 2022
Photo-induced patch antenna for frequency and beam reconfiguration
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
2012 International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (PHOTONICS), 1-3, 2012
Optically controlled single-fed circular polarization switching patch antenna
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
2011 Indian Antenna Week (IAW), 1-3, 2011
Seamless Digital Wireless-Photonic Receiver With Optical Phase Diversity
N Ghosh, S Pendharker
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2024
Optically controlled frequency reconfigurable band stop filter with multifrequency switching
S Pendharker, RK Shevgaonkar, AN Chandorkar
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 56 (5), 1204-1211, 2014
Encoding quantum optical phase-space with classical wireless microwave constellation
N Ghosh, S Pendharker
APL Quantum 2 (1), 2025
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Articles 1–20