Johanna Engstrom
Johanna Engstrom
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Fatal landslides in Europe
U Haque, P Blum, PF Da Silva, P Andersen, J Pilz, SR Chalov, JP Malet, ...
Landslides 13, 1545-1554, 2016
Causes of the widespread 2019–2020 Australian bushfire season
P Deb, H Moradkhani, P Abbaszadeh, AS Kiem, J Engström, D Keellings, ...
Earth's Future 8 (11), e2020EF001671, 2020
Decision support tools, systems and indices for sustainable coastal planning and management: A review
M Barzehkar, KE Parnell, T Soomere, D Dragovich, J Engström
Ocean & Coastal Management 212, 105813, 2021
Drought Vulnerability in the United States: An Integrated Assessment
J Engström, K Jafarzadegan, H Moradkhani
Water 12 (7), 2033, 2020
The Future of Drought in the Southeastern U.S.: Projections from Downscaled CMIP5 Models
D Keellings, J Engström
Water, 2019
Drivers of long-term precipitation and runoff variability in the southeastern USA
J Engström, P Waylen
Theoretical and Applied Climatology 131 (3-4), 1133-1146, 2018
Decreasing water resources in Southeastern US as observed by the GRACE satellites
J Engström, S Praskievicz, B Bearden, H Moradkhani
Water Policy 23 (4), 1017-1029, 2021
Spatiotemporal changes in the size and shape of heat waves over North America
D Keellings, E Bunting, J Engström
Climatic Change 147 (1-2), 165-178, 2018
The changing hydroclimatology of Southeastern US
J Engström, P Waylen
Journal of Hydrology 548, 16-23, 2017
Drought in the Southeastern USA: an assessment of downscaled CMIP5 models
J Engström, D Keellings
Climate Research 74 (3), 251-262, 2018
Effect of Northern Hemisphere Teleconnections on the Hydropower Production in Southern Sweden
J Engström, CB Uvo
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (2), 05015008, 2015
Correction: Engström, J., et al. Drought Vulnerability in the United States: An Integrated Assessment. Water 2020, 12, 2033
J Engström, K Jafarzadegan, H Moradkhani
Water 12 (9), 2448, 2020
Hydropower in the Southeast: Balancing Lakeview and Production Optimization
J Engström
The Southeastern Geographer, 2018
Wildfires in the Arctic and tropical biomes: what is the relative role of climate?
J Engström, P Abbaszadeh, D Keellings, P Deb, H Moradkhani
Natural Hazards, 1-14, 2022
Landskapets påverkan på vinden: sett ur ett vindkraftperspektiv
J Engström
Lunds universitets Naturgeografiska institution-Seminarieuppsatser, 2009
Energy vs. the Environment: A case study of the Allatoona Dam
J Engstrӧm
The Southeastern Geographer 64 (1), 1-3, 2024
Trans-Atlantic Paleoflood Frequency and Magnitude in the Common Era: When, where, and why do extreme floods occur?
R Lombardi, MD Therrell, EA Elliott, J Engström
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
Declining water resources in Alabama and Mississippi, as identified by the GRACE satellites
J Engström, BL Bearden, G Guthrie, GA Tootle
AGU Fall Meeting 2019, 2019
Drought in the Southeastern US-future outlooks
J Engström, DJ Keellings
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018
Variations of, and Changes in the Hydroclimatology of the Southeast United States
J Engstrom, PR Waylen
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015
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