Tim Müller
Cited by
Cited by
Residential Segregation and ‘Ethnic Flight’ vs. ‘Ethnic Avoidance’ in Sweden
TS Müller, TU Grund, JH Koskinen
European Sociological Review 34 (3), 268-285, 2018
The role of the state in the repression and revival of religiosity in Central Eastern Europe
T Müller, A Neundorf
Social forces 91 (2), 559-582, 2012
Self-affirmation interventions.
GL Sherman, D. K., Lokhande, M., Müller, T., & Cohen
In G. M. Walton and A. J. Crum (Eds.). Handbook of Wise Interventions: How …, 2021
Which societies provide a strong religious socialization context? Explanations beyond the effects of national religiosity.
TS Müller, ND de Graaf, P Schmidt
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 53 (4), 739-759, 2014
Religiosity and attitudes towards the involvement of religious leaders in politics: A multilevel-analysis of 55 societies
T Müller
World Values Research 2 (1), 1-29, 2009
Double jeopardy–Double remedy? The effectiveness of self-affirmation for improving doubly disadvantaged students' mathematical performance
M Lokhande, T Müller
Journal of School Psychology 75, 58-73, 2019
Individual Costs and Community Benefits: Collectivism and Individuals’ Compliance with Public Health Interventions
S Leong, K Eom, K Ishii, M Aichberger, K Fetz, TS Müller, H Kim, ...
PLOS ONE, 2022
Right-wing populism and social distance towards Muslims in Sweden – Results from a nation-wide vignette study
TS Müller, P Hedström, S Valdez, K Wennberg
Working Paper, Institute for Analytical Sociology, Linköping University, 2014
Wider die Stereotypisierung: Bessere Schulleistung durch Selbstbestätigung.
T Müller, M Lokhande
Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer. Wie Lehrkräfte gute Leistung fördern können., 38-57, 2017
Einstellungen von Lehrkräften zu Aspekten von Vielfalt: Deutschsein, Religionspolitik und Muslime
G Lorenz, T Müller
Vielfalt im Klassenzimmer. Wie Lehrkräfte gute Leistung fördern können., 10-23, 2017
Is One’s Own Ethnic Prejudice Always Subtle? The Inconsistency of Prejudice Endorsement and Prejudice Awareness Depends on Self-Related Egalitarian Standards and Motivations
K Fetz, TS Müller
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 42 (1), 1-28, 2019
A dynamic discrete-choice model for movement flows.
J Koskinen, T Müller, T Grund
Perna, C., Pratesi, M. & Ruiz-Gazen, A. (eds.): Studies in Theoretical and …, 2017
Determinanten radikalisierungsbezogener Resilienz im Jugendalter
T Müller, K Fetz, N Uca, C Klose, N Kleffmann, M Talmatzky …, 2023
Sind die Sorgen berechtigt? Fakten zur Integration von Geflüchteten.
TS Müller
Theologisch-praktische Quartalsschrift 165, 36-47, 2017
With a Little Help from My Aunts? The Role of Extended Family in Intergenerational Social Mobility Patterns.
TS Müller, TU Grund
Population Association of America, Annual Meeting, 2014
On secularisation: structural, institutional and cultural determinants shaping individual secularisation
TS Müller …, 2012
Evidence for the Welfare Magnet Hypothesis? A global examination
TS Müller
BIM Working Papers, 2023
Ichstärkung in Krisenzeiten: Möglichkeiten von Resilienzförderung und Gesellschaftskritik in Pädagogik und universeller Präventionsarbeit.
T Müller, J Müller
Ligante - Fachdebatten aus der Präventionsarbeit., 36-41, 2023
Widerstandsfähigkeit hinsichtlich islamistischer Angebote und Ideologien im Nahumfeld von Jugendlichen. Eine retrospektive Studie zur Jugendphase in Berlin und Bonn
N Uca, N Kleffmann, A Dziri, T Müller
Langner J., Zschach, M., Schott, M., Weigelt I. (Eds.): Jugend und …, 2023
Evidence for the Welfare Magnet Hypothesis? An Application of ERGMs to Model International Migration Flows
TS Müller
American Sociological Association 2022 Annual Meeting, 2022
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Articles 1–20