William S. Evans
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Checking the correctness of memories
M Blum, W Evans, P Gemmell, S Kannan, M Naor
Proc. 32nd Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, 90-99, 1991
Compiler techniques for code compaction
SK Debray, W Evans, R Muth, B De Sutter
ACM Transactions on Programming languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 22 (2), 378-415, 2000
Broadcasting on trees and the Ising model
W Evans, C Kenyon, Y Peres, LJ Schulman
Annals of Applied Probability, 410-433, 2000
Right-triangulated irregular networks
W Evans, D Kirkpatrick, G Townsend
Algorithmica 30, 264-286, 2001
Code compression
J Ernst, W Evans, CW Fraser, TA Proebsting, S Lucco
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 32 (5), 358-365, 1997
A glossary of time granularity concepts
C Bettini, CE Dyreson, WS Evans, RT Snodgrass, XS Wang
Temporal databases: Research and practice, 406-413, 1998
Clone detection via structural abstraction
WS Evans, CW Fraser, F Ma
Software Quality Journal 17, 309-330, 2009
On the spanning ratio of gabriel graphs and β-skeletons
P Bose, L Devroye, W Evans, D Kirkpatrick
LATIN 2002: Theoretical Informatics: 5th Latin American Symposium Cancun …, 2002
Profile-guided code compression
S Debray, W Evans
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 37 (5), 95-105, 2002
Signal propagation and noisy circuits
WS Evans, LJ Schulman
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (7), 2367-2373, 1999
Efficiently supporting temporal granularities
CE Dyreson, WS Evans, H Lin, RT Snodgrass
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 12 (4), 568-587, 2000
On the maximum tolerable noise for reliable computation by formulas
W Evans, N Pippenger
IEEE Transactions on Information theory 44 (3), 1299-1305, 1998
On the maximum tolerable noise of k-input gates for reliable computation by formulas
WS Evans, LJ Schulman
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49 (11), 3094-3098, 2003
Bar k-visibility graphs
A Dean, W Evans, E Gethner, J Laison, MA Safari, W Trotter
Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 11 (1), 45-59, 2007
On the spanning ratio of gabriel graphs and beta-skeletons
P Bose, L Devroye, W Evans, D Kirkpatrick
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 20 (2), 412-427, 2006
Recognizing and drawing IC-planar graphs
FJ Brandenburg, W Didimo, WS Evans, P Kindermann, G Liotta, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 636, 1-16, 2016
Guaranteed Voronoi diagrams of uncertain sites
W Evans, J Sember
20th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, 207-210, 2008
Similarity in programs
A Walenstein, M El-Ramly, JR Cordy, WS Evans, K Mahdavi, M Pizka, ...
Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2007
Diamonds are not a minimum weight triangulation's best friend
P Bose, L Devroye, W Evans
International Journal of Computational Geometry & Applications 12 (06), 445-453, 2002
Bytecode compression via profiled grammar rewriting
WS Evans, CW Fraser
Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2001 conference on Programming language …, 2001
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