francisco fraile
Cited by
Cited by
Low-code as enabler of digital transformation in manufacturing industry
R Sanchis, Ó García-Perales, F Fraile, R Poler
Applied Sciences 10 (1), 12, 2019
Reference models for digital manufacturing platforms
F Fraile, R Sanchis, R Poler, A Ortiz
Applied Sciences 9 (20), 4433, 2019
Trustworthy industrial IoT gateways for interoperability platforms and ecosystems
F Fraile, T Tagawa, R Poler, A Ortiz
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (6), 4506-4514, 2018
Software defined networking firewall for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems
A Tsuchiya, F Fraile, I Koshijima, A Ortiz, R Poler
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 11 (2), 318-333, 2018
Personalized multimedia touristic services for hybrid broadcast/broadband mobile receivers
A Gil, F Fraile, M Ramos, I De Fez, JC Guerri
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 56 (1), 211-219, 2010
Zero Defect Manufacturing ontology: A preliminary version based on standardized terms
F Psarommatis, F Fraile, F Ameri
Computers in Industry 145, 103832, 2023
Fabricación con cero defectos y activos digitales en la transformación de la fabricación mediante nuevas tecnologías de la información: revisión de la literatura
MÁM Casali, AB García, F Fraile
Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda época, 33-59, 2025
Analysis and evaluation of adaptive LDPC AL-FEC codes for content download services
I de Fez, F Fraile, R Belda, JC Guerri
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 14 (3), 641-650, 2012
Fleet management system for mobile robots in healthcare environments
E Guzmán Ortiz, B Andres, F Fraile, R Poler, Á Ortiz Bas
Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management (JIEM) 14 (1), 55-71, 2021
A Methodological Framework for Designing Personalised Training Programs to Support Personnel Upskilling in Industry 5.0
F Fraile, F Psarommatis, F Alarcón, J Joan
Computers 12 (11), 224, 2023
Efficient interactive multicast over DVB-T2-Utilizing dynamic SFNs and PARPS
M Eriksson, SMH Rahman, F Fraile, M Sjöström
2013 IEEE International Symposium on Broadband Multimedia Systems and …, 2013
Hybrid FLUTE/DASH video delivery over mobile wireless networks
R Belda, I de Fez, F Fraile, P Arce, JC Guerri
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 25 (11), 1070-1082, 2014
Evaluation of background push content download services to mobile devices over DVB networks
F Fraile, I de Fez, JC Guerri
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 60 (1), 1-15, 2013
Multimedia system for emergency services over tetra-dvbt networks
R Belda, I de Fez, F Fraile, V Murcia, P Arce, JC Guerri
2008 34th Euromicro Conference Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2008
Software-defined networking to improve cybersecurity in manufacturing oriented interoperability ecosystems
F Fraile, JL Flores, R Poler, E Saiz
Enterprise Interoperability VIII: Smart Services and Business Impact of …, 2019
Performance evaluation of AL-FEC LDPC codes for push content applications in wireless unidirectional environments
I de Fez, F Fraile, R Belda, JC Guerri
Multimedia Tools and Applications 60, 669-688, 2012
Zero-defect manufacturing terminology standardization: Definition, improvement, and harmonization
J Sousa, A Nazarenko, C Grunewald, F Psarommatis, F Fraile, O Meyer, ...
Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology 2, 947474, 2022
Industrial data services for quality control in smart manufacturing–the i4q framework
A Karakostas, R Poler, F Fraile, S Vrochidis
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT …, 2021
Multi-tenant Data Management in Collaborative Zero Defect Manufacturing
F Fraile, L Montalvillo, MÁ Rodríguez, H Navarro, Á Ortiz
2021 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Industry 4.0 & IoT …, 2021
Towards IoT analytics. A vf-OS approach
V Anaya, F Fraile, A Aguayo, O García, Á Ortiz
2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS), 570-575, 2018
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Articles 1–20