Daniel Ruiz-Perez
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Cited by
So you think you can PLS-DA?
D Ruiz-Perez, H Guan, P Madhivanan, K Mathee, G Narasimhan
BMC bioinformatics 21 (1), 1-10, 2020
Dynamic interaction network inference from longitudinal microbiome data
J Lugo-Martinez, D Ruiz-Perez, G Narasimhan, Z Bar-Joseph
Microbiome 7, 1-14, 2019
Dynamic bayesian networks for integrating multi-omics time series microbiome data
D Ruiz-Perez, J Lugo-Martinez, N Bourguignon, K Mathee, B Lerner, ...
Msystems 6 (2), 10.1128/msystems. 01105-20, 2021
Inferring directional relationships in microbial communities using signed Bayesian networks
M Sazal, K Mathee, D Ruiz-Perez, T Cickovski, G Narasimhan
BMC genomics 21, 1-11, 2020
Inferring relationships in microbiomes from signed bayesian networks
MR Sazal, D Ruiz-Perez, T Cickovski, G Narasimhan
2018 IEEE 8th International Conference on Computational Advances in Bio and …, 2018
Effect of metronidazole on vaginal microbiota associated with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis
D Ruiz-Perez, MS Coudray, B Colbert, K Krupp, H Kumari, V Stebliankin, ...
Access microbiology 3 (5), 000226, 2021
Composition of the vaginal microbiome associated with high risk HPV infection and increased risk for cervical cancer
P Madhivanan, N Bokulich, M Coudray, B Colbert, D Ruiz-Perez, K Krupp, ...
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention 29 (3), 696-696, 2020
Microbiome maps: Hilbert curve visualizations of metagenomic profiles
C Valdes, V Stebliankin, D Ruiz-Perez, JI Park, H Lee, G Narasimhan
Frontiers in Bioinformatics 3, 1154588, 2023
Unfolding and de-confounding: biologically meaningful causal inference from longitudinal multi-omic networks using METALICA
D Ruiz-Perez, I Gimon, M Sazal, K Mathee, G Narasimhan
Msystems 9 (10), e01303-23, 2024
Longitudinal assessment of nonavalent vaccine HPV types in a sample of sexually active African American women from ten US Cities
P Madhivanan, K Krupp, M Coudray, B Colbert, D Ruiz-Perez, H Cui, ...
Vaccine 39 (34), 4810-4816, 2021
P372 Bacterial vaginosis and high-risk human papillomavirus coinfection among african american women in the united states
P Madhivanan, M Coudray, D Ruiz-Perez, B Colbert, K Krupp, H Kumari, ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections 95 (Suppl 1), A188-A188, 2019
Temporal and Causal Inference with Longitudinal Multi-omics Microbiome Data
D Ruiz-Perez
P373 Co-occurrence of bacterial vaginosis and Trichomonas vaginalis among young african american women
P Madhivanan, M Coudray, D Ruiz-Perez, B Colbert, K Krupp, H Kumar, ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections 95 (Suppl 1), A188-A188, 2019
P371 Effect of metronidazole treatment on recurrent and persistent bacterial vaginosis: a pilot study
M Coudray, D Ruiz-Perez, B Colbert, K Krupp, H Kumari, G Narasimhan, ...
Sexually Transmitted Infections 95 (Suppl 1), A187-A187, 2019
Effect of metronidazole on microbiomes associated with asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis
M Coudray, D Ruiz-Perez, B Colbert, K Krupp, H Kumari, G Narasimhan, ...
Access Microbiology 1 (1A), 2019
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Articles 1–15