Fernando Paulo Belfo
Fernando Paulo Belfo
CEOS.PP, ISCAP, Polytechnic of Porto; Centro ALGORITMI; Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra
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Cited by
Accounting Information Systems: Tradition and Future Directions
F Belfo, A Trigo
Procedia Technology 9, 536-546, 2013
Accounting Information Systems: The Challenge of the Real-time Reporting
A Trigo, F Belfo, RP Estébanez
Procedia Technology 16, 118-127, 2014
Accounting Information Systems: Evolving towards a Business Process Oriented Accounting
A Trigo, F Belfo, RP Estébanez
Procedia Computer Science 100, 987-994, 2016
Métodos de Investigação Qualitativa - Estudos de Casos na Investigação em Sistemas de Informação
JC Martins, F Belfo
Proelium n. º 14 14, 39-71, 2010
People, Organizational and Technological Dimensions of Software Requirements Specification
F Belfo
Procedia Technology 5, 310-318, 2012
Maintenance and Support Model within the ERP Systems Lifecycle: Action Research in an Implementer Company
A Amado, FP Belfo
Procedia Computer Science 181, 580-588, 2021
ERP Systems Adoption Evolution in Iberian Companies During the Global Financial Crisis and Recession (2007-2014)
RP Estébanez, A Trigo, F Belfo
2nd International Conference on Information Management (ICIM), 116 - 120, 2016
A Critical Review of Luftman's Instrument for Business-IT Alignment
F Belfo, RD Sousa
Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS …, 2012
Wavelet-based Cancer Drug Recommender System
L Brandão, FP Belfo, A Silva
Procedia Computer Science 181, 487-494, 2021
Impact of ICT innovative momentum on real-time accounting
F Belfo, A Trigo, RP Estébanez
Business Systems Research: International journal of the Society for …, 2015
Reviewing business-IT alignment instruments under SAM dimensions
F Belfo, RD Sousa
International Journal of Information Communication Technologies and Human …, 2013
A Framework to Enhance Business and Information Technology Alignment Through Incentive Policy
F Belfo
International Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS …, 2013
BPMS-Ferramentas Integradas de Apoio à Gestão por Processos
A Trigo, F Belfo
Revista da Qualidade 4 (4), 6-10, 2013
Major concerns about Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems: A systematic review of a decade of research (2011-2021)
EJ Martins, FP Belfo
Procedia Computer Science 219, 378-387, 2023
Indução de Árvores de Decisão na Descoberta de Conhecimento: Caso de Empresa de Organização de Eventos
A Loureiro, J Lourenço, E Costa, F Belfo
VI Congresso Internacional de Casos Docentes em Marketing Público e Não …, 2014
Fatores que Influenciam o Sucesso Escolar das Licenciaturas numa Instituição de Ensino Superior Portuguesa
C Pimenta, R Ribeiro, V Sá, F Belfo
18.ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, 2018
Influence of Incentive Policy in Strategic Alignment of Information Technology and Business
F Belfo
Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 109, Part 5, 421 …, 2010
Uma Abordagem Bietápica de Classificação de Sentimentos em Tweets Relacionados com as Autoridades Fiscais Portuguesas
A Seiça, A Trigo, FP Belfo
19.ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação (CAPSI’2019), 2019
Quadrante Estratégico para Empresas Implementadoras de Sistemas ERP de Código Aberto – Casos de Implementadores de Odoo em Portugal
H Faria, FP Belfo
19.ª Conferência da Associação Portuguesa de Sistemas de Informação, 2019
Developing an Instrument to Assess Information Technology Staff Motivation
F Belfo, RD Sousa
ENTERprise Information Systems, 230-239, 2011
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Articles 1–20