Paulo Silveira
Paulo Silveira
Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco - Escola Superior de Educação, SHERU
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Business dynamism and innovation capacity, an entrepreneurship worldwide perspective
J Lopes, M Oliveira, P Silveira, L Farinha, J Oliveira
Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 7 (1), 94, 2021
University entrepreneurial intentions: mainland and insular regions – are they different?
J Lopes, J., Teixeira, S., Ferreira, J., Silveira, P., Farinha, L. and Lussuamo
Education + Training, 2020
Does regional VRIO model help policy-makers to assess the resources of a region? A stakeholder perception approach
J Lopes, L Farinha, JJ Ferreira, P Silveira
Land use policy 79, 659-670, 2018
Analyzing the root of regional innovation performance in the European territory
JM Lopes, P Silveira, L Farinha, M Oliveira, J Oliveira
International Journal of Innovation Science 13 (5), 565-582, 2021
Modeling the predictors of students’ entrepreneurial intentions: the case of a peripheral European region
JM Lopes, R Laurett, JJ Ferreira, P Silveira, J Oliveira, L Farinha
Industry and Higher Education 37 (2), 208-221, 2023
Smart specialization policies: Innovative performance models from European regions
J Lopes, L Farinha, JJ Ferreira, P Silveira
European Planning Studies 26 (11), 2114-2124, 2018
Tradução e Validação do Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3 (MIQ-3) com Atletas Portugueses
PA Mendes, DA Marinho, JD Petrica, P Silveira, D Monteiro, L Cid
Motricidade 12 (1), 149-158, 2016
Análisis multivariante de la relación entre estilos/estrategias de aprendizaje e inteligencia eemocional, en alumnos de educación superior
PAAL Silveira
Tese de Doutoramento, 2013
Caliendo Velloso da. Proteção de dados no direito comparado
PA Silveira
Revista AJURIS–n, 1997
Teachers’ adaptation to technologies during the pandemic by COVID-19
P Afonso, B Trindade, D Santos, R Pocinho, P Silveira, P Silva
Eighth International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing …, 2020
Translation and validation of the Movement Imagery Questionnaire-3 (MIQ-3) with Portuguese athletes.
PA Mendes, DA Marinho, JD Petrica, P Silveira, D Monteiro, L Cid
How do stakeholders evaluate smart specialization policies defined for their regions?
L Farinha, J Lopes, JR Sebastião, JJ Ferreira, J Oliveira, P Silveira
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal 31 (3), 594-624, 2021
Analysis of the Objective Internal Load in Portuguese Skydivers in the First Jump of the Day
ISJ Machado T, Serrano J, Pino-Ortega J, Silveira P, Antúnez A
Sensors 22 (9), 3298, 2022
A opinião de jovens futebolistas sobre o envolvimento parental na sua prática desportiva
J Serrano, P Silveira, MAR Lucas, S Honório
Revista Brasileira de Futsal e Futebol-Periódico do Instituto Brasileiro de …, 2017
La búsqueda de sensaciones en paracaidistas portugueses
TA dos Santos Machado, J Serrano, P Silveira, SJI Godoy
Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación, 1073-1081, 2022
Applying Regional VRIO Model to Island Regions: An Evaluation of RIS3
SP Lopes J., Oliveira J.
Farinha L., Santos D., Ferreira J., Ranga M. (eds) Regional Helix Ecosystems …, 2020
Opiniões sobre CTS de alunos de ciências do ensino superior português e de professores em formação inicial
FPC Simôes, M Figueiredo, P Silveira
Enseñanza de las ciencias: revista de investigación y experiencias …, 2009
A escola que aprende
M Paixão, FR Jorge, P Silveira
Jornal via esen 1 (3), 2004
Mapping the field: A bibliometric analysis of the literature on the entrepreneurship and economic growth
J Lopes, L Farinha, J Ferreira, P Silveira
4th International conference on production economics and project evaluation …, 2018
Illinois agility test, o 5-0-5 agility test e o pro-agility shuttle test na avaliação da agilidade em alunos do ensino superior
P Mendes, P Silveira, J Agostinho, C Cruz, J Galvão, F Silva
E-balonmano. com: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte 11 (2), 199-200, 2015
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