Neşe Alyüz
Cited by
Cited by
Bosphorus database for 3D face analysis
A Savran, N Alyüz, H Dibeklioğlu, O Çeliktutan, B Gökberk, B Sankur, ...
Biometrics and Identity Management: First European Workshop, BIOID 2008 …, 2008
Investigating the impact of a real-time, multimodal student engagement analytics technology in authentic classrooms
S Aslan, N Alyuz, C Tanriover, SE Mete, E Okur, SK D'Mello, ...
Proceedings of the 2019 chi conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2019
A 3D face recognition system for expression and occlusion invariance
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, L Akarun
2008 IEEE Second International Conference on Biometrics: Theory …, 2008
Regional registration for expression resistant 3-D face recognition
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, L Akarun
Information Forensics and Security, IEEE Transactions on 5 (3), 425-440, 2010
3-D face recognition under occlusion using masked projection
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, L Akarun
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 8 (5), 789-802, 2013
3D face recognition benchmarks on the bosphorus database with focus on facial expressions
N Alyüz, B Gökberk, H Dibeklioğlu, A Savran, AA Salah, L Akarun, ...
Biometrics and Identity Management: First European Workshop, BIOID 2008 …, 2008
Registration of three-dimensional face scans with average face models
AA Salah, N Alyüz, L Akarun
Journal of Electronic Imaging 17 (1), 011006-011006-14, 2008
Component-based registration with curvature descriptors for expression insensitive 3D face recognition
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, H Dibeklioglu, L Akarun
Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition, 2008. FG'08. 8th IEEE International …, 2008
The ASC-Inclusion Perceptual Serious Gaming Platform for Autistic Children
E Marchi, B Schuller, S Baird, Alice, Baron-Cohen, A Lasalle, H O'Reilly, ...
IEEE Transactions on Games, 2018
Human expert labeling process (HELP): towards a reliable higher-order user state labeling process and tool to assess student engagement
S Aslan, SE Mete, E Okur, E Oktay, N Alyuz, UE Genc, D Stanhill, ...
Educational Technology, 53-59, 2017
Biometrics and identity management
A Savran, N Alyuz, H Dibeklioglu, O Celiktutan, B Gokberk, B Sankur, ...
Biometrics and Identity Management, chapter Bosphorus Database for 3D Face …, 2008
Semi-supervised model personalization for improved detection of learner's emotional engagement
N Alyuz, E Okur, E Oktay, U Genc, S Aslan, SE Mete, B Arnrich, AA Esme
18th ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 100-107, 2016
Robust 3D face recognition in the presence of realistic occlusions
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, L Spreeuwers, R Veldhuis, L Akarun
Biometrics (ICB), 2012 5th IAPR International Conference on, 111-118, 2012
Recent developments and results of ASC-Inclusion: An integrated internet-based environment for social inclusion of children with autism spectrum conditions
B Schuller, et al.
ACM International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces - International …, 2015
Behavioral engagement detection of students in the wild
E Okur, N Alyuz, S Aslan, U Genc, C Tanriover, A Arslan Esme
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 18th International Conference, AIED …, 2017
An unobtrusive and multimodal approach for behavioral engagement detection of students
N Alyuz, E Okur, U Genc, S Aslan, C Tanriover, AA Esme
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGCHI International Workshop on Multimodal …, 2017
Towards an emotional engagement model: Can affective states of a learner be automatically detected in a 1: 1 learning scenario?
N Alyuz, E Okur, E Oktay, U Genc, S Aslan, SE Mete, D Stanhill, B Arnrich, ...
24th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization (UMAP …, 2016
Dibekliog? lu
A Savran, N Alyüz
H., Celiktutan, O., Gökberk, B., Sankur, B., and Akarun, L, 47-56, 2008
Exploring kid space in the wild: a preliminary study of multimodal and immersive collaborative play-based learning experiences
S Aslan, A Agrawal, N Alyuz, R Chierichetti, LM Durham, ...
Educational technology research and development, 1-26, 2022
Adaptive registration for occlusion robust 3D face recognition
N Alyuz, B Gokberk, L Akarun
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations: Florence, Italy …, 2012
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Articles 1–20