Robert K. Nowicki
Cited by
Cited by
On design of flexible neuro-fuzzy systems for nonlinear modelling
K Cpałka, O Rebrova, R Nowicki, L Rutkowski
International Journal of General Systems 42 (6), 706-720, 2013
Rough neuro-fuzzy structures for classification with missing data
R Nowicki
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics) 39 …, 2009
Implication-based neuro-fuzzy architectures
D Rutkowska, RK Nowicki
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2000
A finite-buffer queue with a single vacation policy: An analytical study with evolutionary positioning
M Wozniak, WM Kempa, M Gabryel, RK Nowicki
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 24 (4), 887, 2014
On combining neuro-fuzzy architectures with the rough set theory to solve classification problems with incomplete data
R Nowicki
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 20 (9), 1239-1253, 2008
Multi-class nearest neighbour classifier for incomplete data handling
BA Nowak, RK Nowicki, M Woźniak, C Napoli
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 14th International Conference …, 2015
Toward work groups classification based on probabilistic neural network approach
C Napoli, G Pappalardo, E Tramontana, RK Nowicki, JT Starczewski, ...
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 14th International Conference …, 2015
Can we process 2d images using artificial bee colony?
M Woźniak, D Połap, M Gabryel, RK Nowicki, C Napoli, E Tramontana
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 14th International Conference …, 2015
On classification with missing data using rough-neuro-fuzzy systems
RK Nowicki
International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 20 (1), 55-67, 2010
A multiscale image compressor with rbfnn and discrete wavelet decomposition
M Wozniak, C Napoli, E Tramontana, G Capizzi, GL Sciuto, RK Nowicki, ...
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2015
Novel approach toward medical signals classifier
M Wózniak, D Połap, RK Nowicki, C Napoli, G Pappalardo, E Tramontana
2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-7, 2015
On applying evolutionary computation methods to optimization of vacation cycle costs in finite-buffer queue
M Woźniak, WM Kempa, M Gabryel, RK Nowicki, Z Shao
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 13th International Conference …, 2014
Modified merge sort algorithm for large scale data sets
M Woźniak, Z Marszałek, M Gabryel, RK Nowicki
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 12th International Conference …, 2013
Genetic Cost Optimization of the GI/M/1/N Finite-Buffer Queue with a Single Vacation Policy
M Gabryel, RK Nowicki, M Woźniak, WM Kempa
Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing: 12th International Conference …, 2013
Preprocessing large data sets by the use of quick sort algorithm
M Woźniak, Z Marszałek, M Gabryel, RK Nowicki
Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems: Recent Trends …, 2016
Creating learning sets for control systems using an evolutionary method
M Gabryel, M Woźniak, R K. Nowicki
International Symposium on Evolutionary Computation, 206-213, 2012
Neuro-fuzzy rough classifier ensemble
M Korytkowski, R Nowicki, R Scherer
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks, 817-823, 2009
AdaBoost ensemble of DCOG rough–neuro–fuzzy systems
M Korytkowski, R Nowicki, L Rutkowski, R Scherer
International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence, 62-71, 2011
A new method for classification of imprecise data using fuzzy rough fuzzification
RK Nowicki, JT Starczewski
Information Sciences 414, 33-52, 2017
Rough sets in the neuro-fuzzy architectures based on non-monotonic fuzzy implications
R Nowicki
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 518-525, 2004
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Articles 1–20