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Simon GottschalkL3S Research CenterEmail confirmado em l3s.de
Nicolas TempelmeierL3S Research CenterEmail confirmado em l3s.de
Wolfgang NejdlProfessor of Computer Science, Leibniz Universität Hannover, L3S Research Center, Hannover, GermanyEmail confirmado em kbs.uni-hannover.de
Stefan DietzeFull Professor (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf) & Scientific Director (KTS, GESIS)Email confirmado em l3s.de
Thomas RisseGoethe University Frankfurt - University Library J. C. SenckenbergEmail confirmado em ub.uni-frankfurt.de
Xuan ZhouProfessor, School of Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal UniversityEmail confirmado em dase.ecnu.edu.cn
Dr. rer. nat. Sergej ZerrProject Director/It-Architect: Research Data Management, University of BonnEmail confirmado em uni-bonn.de
Gerhard Gossenpreviously Researcher at L3S, Hannover, GermanyEmail confirmado em l3s.de
Daniel OlmedillaLinkedinEmail confirmado em olmedilla.info
Ran YuUniversity of BonnEmail confirmado em uni-bonn.de
Alishiba DsouzaWissenschaftliche MitarbeiterinEmail confirmado em cs.uni-bonn.de
Julian SzymanskiGdansk University of TechnologyEmail confirmado em eti.pg.gda.pl
Jonathon HareProfessor of Machine Learning and Computer Vision, University of Southampton, United KingdomEmail confirmado em ecs.soton.ac.uk
John G. BreslinProfessor at the University of Galway, PI at the Insight Research Ireland Centre for Data AnalyticsEmail confirmado em universityofgalway.ie
Stefan SiersdorferL3S Research Center, GermanyEmail confirmado em l3s.de
Konstantin TodorovUniversité Montpellier, LIRMMEmail confirmado em lirmm.fr
Diana MaynardSenior Research Fellow, GATE team, NLP group, and CFOM, University of SheffieldEmail confirmado em sheffield.ac.uk
Yannis StavrakasResearcher, Institute for the Management of Information SystemsEmail confirmado em athenarc.gr
Mohamed Ben EllefiR&D Engineer, PhDEmail confirmado em khresterion.com
Zohra BellahseneProfesseur d'informatique, LIRMM Université de montpellierEmail confirmado em lirmm.fr
Elena Demidova
Professor of Computer Science, University of Bonn, and Lamarr Institute, Germany
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