Maria Simas Guerreiro
Maria Simas Guerreiro
Associate Professor, Universidade Fernando Pessoa
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Land use effects in groundwater composition of an alluvial aquifer (Trussu River, Brazil) by multivariate techniques
EM de Andrade, HAQ Palácio, IH Souza, RA de Oliveira Leão, ...
Environmental research 106 (2), 170-177, 2008
Effect of rainfall characteristics on runoff and water erosion for different land uses in a tropical semiarid region
JCN dos Santos, EM de Andrade, PHA Medeiros, MJS Guerreiro, ...
Water Resources Management 31 (1), 173-185, 2017
Land use impact on soil erosion at different scales in the Brazilian semi-arid
JCN Santos, EM Andrade, PHA Medeiros, MJS Guerreiro, HAQ Palácio
Revista Ciência Agronômica 48 (2), 251-260, 2017
Ecohydrology in a Brazilian tropical dry forest: thinned vegetation impact on hydrological functions and ecosystem services
EM Andrade, MJS Guerreiro, HAQ Palácio, DA Campos
Journal of Hydrology: regional studies 27, 100649, 2020
Lag-time characteristics in small watersheds in the United States
MJC de Simas
The University of Arizona, 1996
Effect of dry spells and soil cracking on runoff generation in a semiarid micro watershed under land use change
JCN Dos Santos, EM de Andrade, MJS Guerreiro, PHA Medeiros, ...
Journal of Hydrology 541, 1057-1066, 2016
Long-term variation of precipitation indices in Ceará State, Northeast Brazil
MJS Guerreiro, EM Andrade, I Abreu, T Lajinha
International Journal of Climatology 33 (14), 2929-2939, 2013
Flood analysis with the standardized precipitation index (SPI)
MJ Guerreiro, T Lajinha, I Abreu
Edições Universidade Fernando Pessoa, 2007
Biogeochemical modelling of Ria Formosa (South Portugal)
P Duarte, B Azevedo, M Guerreiro, C Ribeiro, R Bandeira, A Pereira, ...
Hydrobiologia 611, 115-132, 2008
Gestão de zonas costeiras: aplicação à Ria Formosa (Sul de Portugal)
P Duarte, MJ Guerreiro, J Reia, LC da Fonseca, AM Correia, B Azevedo, ...
Lag time characteristics for small watersheds in the U. S.
MJ Simas, RH Hawkins
The 1998 International Water Resources Engineering Conference. Part 2(of 2 …, 1998
Canopy effects on rainfall partition and throughfall drop size distribution in a tropical dry forest
JB Brasil, EM Andrade, H Araújo de Queiroz Palácio, M Fernández-Raga, ...
Atmosphere 13 (7), 1126, 2022
Minimum rainfall inter-event time to separate rainfall events in a low latitude semi-arid environment
JB Brasil, MS Guerreiro, EM Andrade, HA de Queiroz Palácio, ...
Sustainability 14 (3), 1721, 2022
Land use effect on the CN model parameters in a tropical dry environment
EM Andrade, JR Araújo Neto, MJS Guerreiro, JCN Santos, HAQ Palácio
Water Resources Management 31, 4103-4116, 2017
Considerations on the monitoring of water quality in urban streams: A case study in Portugal
MS Guerreiro, IM Abreu, Á Monteiro, T Jesus, A Fonseca
Environmental monitoring and assessment 192 (6), 347, 2020
Proposta de índice da salinidade das águas superficiais de reservatórios do Ceará, Brasil.
JR de Araújo Neto, EM de Andrade, ACM Meireles, MJS Guerreiro, ...
Revista Agro@ mbiente On-line 8 (2), 184-193, 2014
Mapping CPTED parameters with the LookCrim application
F Gouveia, A Sani, M Guerreiro, V Azevedo, H Santos, LM Nunes
Crime Prevention and Community Safety 23, 252-263, 2021
Enhancing ecosystem services to minimize impact of climate variability in a dry tropical forest with Vertisols
MS Guerreiro, E Maia de Andrade, HAQ Palácio, JB Brasil, JCR Filho
Hydrology 8 (1), 46, 2021
SchoolAIR: A Citizen Science IoT Framework Using Low-Cost Sensing for Indoor Air Quality Management
N Barros, P Sobral, RS Moreira, J Vargas, A Fonseca, I Abreu, ...
Sensors 24 (1), 148, 2023
Study of the effect of two wastewater treatment plants (WWTP’s) discharges on the benthic macroinvertebrate communities’ structure of the River Tinto (Portugal)
TMGM Jesus, Á Monteiro, I Abreu, MJ Guerreiro
Limnetica 39, 353-372, 2020
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Articles 1–20