Andrei Kovalevsky
Andrei Kovalevsky
Principal Investigator, CICECO, University of Aveiro
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Ceria-based materials for solid oxide fuel cells
VV Kharton, FM Figueiredo, L Navarro, EN Naumovich, AV Kovalevsky, ...
Journal of Materials Science 36, 1105-1117, 2001
Perovskite-type oxides for high-temperature oxygen separation membranes
VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 163 (2), 307-317, 1999
Ionic transport in oxygen-hyperstoichiometric phases with K2NiF4-type structure
VV Kharton, AP Viskup, AV Kovalevsky, EN Naumovich, FMB Marques
Solid State Ionics 143 (3-4), 337-353, 2001
Oxygen transport in Ce0. 8Gd0. 2O2− δ-based composite membranes
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, AL Shaula, FM Figueiredo, ...
Solid State Ionics 160 (3-4), 247-258, 2003
Oxygen Permeability of Ce0. 8Gd0. 2 O 2− δ‐La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3− δ Composite Membranes
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, FM Figueiredo, AA Yaremchenko, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 147 (7), 2814, 2000
Chemically induced expansion of La2NiO4+ δ-based materials
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, M Avdeev, EV Tsipis, MV Patrakeev, ...
Chemistry of materials 19 (8), 2027-2033, 2007
The stability and mixed conductivity in La and Fe doped SrTiO3 in the search for potential SOFC anode materials
DP Fagg, VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of the European ceramic Society 21 (10-11), 1831-1835, 2001
Mixed conductivity and stability of A-site-deficient Sr(Fe,Ti)O3–δ perovskites
V Kharton, A Kovalevsky, E Tsipis, A Viskup, E Naumovich, J Jurado, ...
Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 7, 30-36, 2002
Towards a high thermoelectric performance in rare-earth substituted SrTiO 3: effects provided by strongly-reducing sintering conditions
AV Kovalevsky, AA Yaremchenko, S Populoh, P Thiel, DP Fagg, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (48), 26946-26954, 2014
Mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of LaCo (M) O3 (M= Ga, Cr, Fe or Ni): II. Oxygen permeation through Cr-and Ni-substituted LaCoO3
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, VN Tikhonovich, EN Naumovich, AP Viskup
Solid State Ionics 110 (1-2), 53-60, 1998
Ceramic microstructure and oxygen permeability of SrCo (Fe, M) O 3− δ (M= Cu or Cr) perovskite membranes
VV Kharton, VN Tikhonovich, L Shuangbao, EN Naumovich, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 145 (4), 1363, 1998
Oxygen Nonstoichiometry, Mixed Conductivity, and Mössbauer Spectra of Ln0.5A0.5FeO3−δ (Ln = La−Sm, A = Sr, Ba): Effects of Cation Size
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, MV Patrakeev, EV Tsipis, AP Viskup, ...
Chemistry of Materials 20 (20), 6457-6467, 2008
Oxygen permeation through Sr (Ln) CoO3− δ (Ln= La, Nd, Sm, Gd) ceramic membranes
AV Kovalevsky, VV Kharton, VN Tikhonovich, EN Naumovich, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 52 (2-3), 105-116, 1998
Effect of A-site cation deficiency on the thermoelectric performance of donor-substituted strontium titanate
AV Kovalevsky, AA Yaremchenko, S Populoh, A Weidenkaff, JR Frade
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (9), 4596-4606, 2014
Oxygen permeability, stability and electrochemical behavior of-based materials
AV Kovalevsky, VV Kharton, AA Yaremchenko, YV Pivak, EV Tsipis, ...
Journal of electroceramics 18 (3), 205-218, 2007
Transport properties and thermal expansion of Sr0. 97Ti1− xFexO3− δ (x= 0.2–0.8)
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, JR Jurado, FM Figueiredo, ...
Journal of solid state chemistry 156 (2), 437-444, 2001
Oxygen permeability and Faradaic efficiency of Ce0. 8Gd0. 2O2–δ–La0. 7Sr0. 3MnO3–δ composites
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, FM Figueiredo, AA Yaremchenko, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 21 (10-11), 1763-1767, 2001
Mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of LaCo (M) O3 (M= Ga, Cr, Fe or Ni): IV. Effect of preparation method on oxygen transport in LaCoO3− δ
VV Kharton, EN Naumovich, AV Kovalevsky, AP Viskup, FM Figueiredo, ...
Solid State Ionics 138 (1-2), 135-148, 2000
Surface modification of La0. 3Sr0. 7CoO3− δ ceramic membranes
VV Kharton, AV Kovalevsky, AA Yaremchenko, FM Figueiredo, ...
Journal of Membrane Science 195 (2), 277-287, 2002
Designing strontium titanate-based thermoelectrics: insight into defect chemistry mechanisms
AV Kovalevsky, MH Aguirre, S Populoh, SG Patrício, NM Ferreira, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (8), 3909-3922, 2017
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Articles 1–20