Dimitrios Georgakopoulos
Cited by
Cited by
Context aware computing for the internet of things: A survey
C Perera, A Zaslavsky, P Christen, D Georgakopoulos
IEEE communications surveys & tutorials 16 (1), 414-454, 2013
An overview of workflow management: From process modeling to workflow automation infrastructure
D Georgakopoulos, M Hornick, A Sheth
Distributed and parallel Databases 3, 119-153, 1995
Service-Oriented Computing, CACM
MP Papazoglou, D Georgakapoulos
October 46 (10), 2003
Service-oriented computing
MP Papazoglou, D Georgakopoulos
Communications of the ACM 46 (10), 25-28, 2003
Sensing as a service model for smart cities supported by internet of things
C Perera, A Zaslavsky, P Christen, D Georgakopoulos
Transactions on emerging telecommunications technologies 25 (1), 81-93, 2014
Sensing as a service and big data
A Zaslavsky, C Perera, D Georgakopoulos
arXiv preprint arXiv:1301.0159, 2013
Fog computing: Survey of trends, architectures, requirements, and research directions
RK Naha, S Garg, D Georgakopoulos, PP Jayaraman, L Gao, Y Xiang, ...
IEEE access 6, 47980-48009, 2018
Internet of things platform for smart farming: Experiences and lessons learnt
PP Jayaraman, A Yavari, D Georgakopoulos, A Morshed, A Zaslavsky
Sensors 16 (11), 1884, 2016
Internet of Things and edge cloud computing roadmap for manufacturing
D Georgakopoulos, PP Jayaraman, M Fazia, M Villari, R Ranjan
IEEE Cloud Computing 3 (4), 66-73, 2016
IOTSim: A simulator for analysing IoT applications
X Zeng, SK Garg, P Strazdins, PP Jayaraman, D Georgakopoulos, ...
Journal of Systems Architecture 72, 93-107, 2017
On rigorous transaction scheduling
Y Breitbart, D Georgakopoulos, M Rusinkiewicz, A Silberschatz
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 17 (9), 954, 1991
A Service Computing Manifesto: The Next 10 Years
A Bouguettaya, M Singh, M Huhns, QZ Sheng, H Dong, Q Yu, AG Neiat, ...
Communications of the ACM 60 (4), 64-72, 2017
Sensor search techniques for sensing as a service architecture for the internet of things
C Perera, A Zaslavsky, CH Liu, M Compton, P Christen, ...
IEEE Sensors Journal 14 (2), 406-420, 2013
On serializability of multidatabase transactions through forced local conflict
D Georgakopoulos, M Rusinkiewicz, AP Sheth
Modeling and composing service-based and reference process-based multi-enterprise processes
H Schuster, D Georgakopoulos, A Cichocki, D Baker
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 12th International Conference …, 2000
Internet of things: from internet scale sensing to smart services
D Georgakopoulos, PP Jayaraman
Computing 98, 1041-1058, 2016
Internet of Things (IoT): Smart and Secure Service Delivery
E Bertino, KKR Choo, D Georgakopoulos, S Nepal
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 16 (4), 22:1-22:7, 2016
Mosden: An internet of things middleware for resource constrained mobile devices
C Perera, PP Jayaraman, A Zaslavsky, P Christen, D Georgakopoulos
2014 47Th hawaii international conference on system sciences, 1053-1062, 2014
Context-aware sensor search, selection and ranking model for internet of things middleware
C Perera, A Zaslavsky, P Christen, M Compton, D Georgakopoulos
2013 IEEE 14th international conference on mobile data management 1, 314-322, 2013
A transaction model for active distributed object systems
AP Buchmann, MT Özsu, D Georgakopoulos, F Manola
Database transaction models for advanced applications, 123-158, 1992
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Articles 1–20