Gaurav Pendharkar
Gaurav Pendharkar
Postdoctoral Researcher, National Tsing Hua University
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A microfluidic approach towards hybridoma generation for cancer immunotherapy
CHL Yen-Ta Lu, Gaurav Prashant Pendharkar, Chung-Huan Lu, Chia-Ming Chang
Oncotarget, 2015
Finger-powered agglutination lab chip with CMOS image sensing for rapid point-of-care diagnosis applications
CH Lu, TS Shih, PC Shih, GP Pendharkar, CE Liu, CK Chen, L Hsu, ...
Lab on a Chip 20 (2), 424-433, 2020
Investigation of surface roughness effects on fluid flow in passive micromixer
G Pendharkar, R Deshmukh, R Patrikar
Microsystem technologies 20, 2261-2269, 2014
A high throughput biocompatible insulator based dielectrophoretic (iDEP) lab chip for patterning and fusion of biological cells
G Pendharkar, YT Lu, CM Chang, MP Lu, CH Liu
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 354, 131109, 2022
Microfluidic microalgae system: A review
AB Alias, S Mishra, G Pendharkar, CS Chen, CH Liu, YJ Liu, DJ Yao
Molecules 27 (6), 1910, 2022
Detection of E. Coli Cell using capacitance modulation
AK Dwivedi, G Pendharkar, RB Deshmukh, RM Patrikar
Comsol Conference Bangalore, India, 2010
A Microfluidic Flip-Chip Combining Hydrodynamic Trapping and Gravitational Sedimentation for Cell Pairing and Fusion
G Pendharkar, YT Lu, CM Chang, MP Lu, CH Lu, CC Chen, CH Liu
Cells 10 (11), 2855, 2021
An iDEP based single cell encapsulation microfluidic device using lift-off technique
G Pendharkar, MP Lu, CM Chang, CA Jean, YC Chen, YT Lu, CH Liu
2019 20th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and …, 2019
Microfluidic chip of immunoassay system for kidney studies
BJ Zhang, CW Huang, KW Chang, CW Yang, CC Hung, YC Ko, LF Chou, ...
2017 19th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and …, 2017
Exploring cancer-associated fibroblast-induced resistance to tyrosine kinase inhibitors in hepatoma cells using a liver-on-a-chip model
MS Poddar, YD Chu, G Pendharkar, CH Liu, CT Yeh
Lab on a Chip 24 (21), 5043-5054, 2024
G Pendharkar
清華大學動力機械工程學系學位論文 2021, 1-88, 2021
Cell electrofusion on a microfluidic flip chip for cancer immunotherapy
BJZCHL Gaurav Pendharkar, Yen-Ta Lu, Chia-Ming Chang
MicroTAS 2017, 2017
A finger-powered microfluidic device for agglutination study
CYCCHL Chung-Hsiang Lu, Gaurav Pendharkar
2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2017), 2017
From single phase to multiphase: single cell encapsulation in a droplet
SCCHL Gaurav Pendharkar, Devdeep Mukherjee, Chia-Ming Chang, Yen-Ta Lu
2017 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM 2017), 2017
Silicon Microchannel Fabrication for Application in Microfluidics
G Pendharkar, R Deshmukh
Manufacturing Technology Today, 2015
Lung cancer model on chip for drug testing
KW Chang, TH Punde, GP Pendharkar, PC Shih, YF Chan, KY Lee, ...
Transducers 2015, 646 - 649, 2015
Microfluidic chip for rapid electrofusion of homogeneous and heterogeneous cells
G Pendharkar, CH Lu, YT Lu, A Chang, CH Liu
Solid-State Sensors, Actuators And Microsystems (TRANSDUCERS), 2015 …, 2015
Effect of Surface Roughness on Microchannel Fluid Flow Using Weierstrass-Mandelbrot Function
G Pendharkar, A Dwivedi, R Patrikar, R Deshmukh
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Articles 1–18