Camilo Bermudez, M.D., Ph.D.
Camilo Bermudez, M.D., Ph.D.
Neurology Resident at Mayo Clinic
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Cited by
3D whole brain segmentation using spatially localized atlas network tiles
Y Huo, Z Xu, Y Xiong, K Aboud, P Parvathaneni, S Bao, C Bermudez, ...
NeuroImage 194, 105-119, 2019
Learning implicit brain MRI manifolds with deep learning
C Bermudez, AJ Plassard, LT Davis, AT Newton, SM Resnick, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 408-414, 2018
Multi-site infant brain segmentation algorithms: the iSeg-2019 challenge
Y Sun, K Gao, Z Wu, G Li, X Zong, Z Lei, Y Wei, J Ma, X Yang, X Feng, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 40 (5), 1363-1376, 2021
Accelerated brain aging predicts impaired cognitive performance and greater disability in geriatric but not midlife adult depression
S Christman, C Bermudez, L Hao, BA Landman, B Boyd, K Albert, ...
Translational Psychiatry 10 (1), 317, 2020
High-resolution 3D abdominal segmentation with random patch network fusion
Y Tang, R Gao, HH Lee, S Han, Y Chen, D Gao, V Nath, C Bermudez, ...
Medical image analysis 69, 101894, 2021
Splenomegaly segmentation using global convolutional kernels and conditional generative adversarial networks
Y Huo, Z Xu, S Bao, C Bermudez, AJ Plassard, J Liu, Y Yao, A Assad, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 45-51, 2018
Anatomical context improves deep learning on the brain age estimation task
C Bermudez, AJ Plassard, S Chaganti, Y Huo, KS Aboud, LE Cutting, ...
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 62, 70-77, 2019
Spatially localized atlas network tiles enables 3D whole brain segmentation from limited data
Y Huo, Z Xu, K Aboud, P Parvathaneni, S Bao, C Bermudez, SM Resnick, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention–MICCAI 2018: 21st …, 2018
Splenomegaly segmentation on multi-modal MRI using deep convolutional networks
Y Huo, Z Xu, S Bao, C Bermudez, H Moon, P Parvathaneni, TK Moyo, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (5), 1185-1196, 2018
Anatomical context protects deep learning from adversarial perturbations in medical imaging
Y Li, H Zhang, C Bermudez, Y Chen, BA Landman, Y Vorobeychik
Neurocomputing 379, 370-378, 2020
Distributed deep learning across multisite datasets for generalized CT hemorrhage segmentation
SW Remedios, S Roy, C Bermudez, MB Patel, JA Butman, BA Landman, ...
Medical physics 47 (1), 89-98, 2020
Inter-scanner harmonization of high angular resolution DW-MRI using null space deep learning
V Nath, P Parvathaneni, CB Hansen, AE Hainline, C Bermudez, ...
Computational Diffusion MRI: International MICCAI Workshop, Granada, Spain …, 2019
Towards portable large-scale image processing with high-performance computing
Y Huo, J Blaber, SM Damon, BD Boyd, S Bao, P Parvathaneni, ...
Journal of digital imaging 31, 304-314, 2018
Spatiotemporal mapping of interictal spike propagation: A novel methodology applied to pediatric intracranial EEG recordings
SB Tomlinson, C Bermudez, C Conley, MW Brown, BE Porter, ED Marsh
Frontiers in neurology 7, 229, 2016
Suppressing c AMP response element‐binding protein transcription shortens the duration of status epilepticus and decreases the number of spontaneous seizures in the pilocarpine …
X Zhu, D Dubey, C Bermudez, BE Porter
Epilepsia 56 (12), 1870-1878, 2015
Body part regression with self-supervision
Y Tang, R Gao, S Han, Y Chen, D Gao, V Nath, C Bermudez, MR Savona, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 40 (5), 1499-1507, 2021
Distributed deep learning for robust multi-site segmentation of CT imaging after traumatic brain injury
S Remedios, S Roy, J Blaber, C Bermudez, V Nath, MB Patel, JA Butman, ...
Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing 10949, 68-75, 2019
Coronary calcium detection using 3D attention identical dual deep network based on weakly supervised learning
Y Huo, JG Terry, J Wang, V Nath, C Bermudez, S Bao, P Parvathaneni, ...
Medical Imaging 2019: Image Processing 10949, 308-315, 2019
Plasma biomarkers for prediction of Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic change
C Bermudez, J Graff-Radford, JA Syrjanen, NH Stricker, ...
Acta neuropathologica 146 (1), 13-29, 2023
Contrast phase classification with a generative adversarial network
Y Tang, HH Lee, Y Xu, O Tang, Y Chen, D Gao, S Han, R Gao, ...
Medical Imaging 2020: Image Processing 11313, 220-227, 2020
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Articles 1–20