Steve R. Entrich
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Shadow education and social inequalities in Japan: Evolving patterns and conceptual implications
SR Entrich
Springer, 2017
Worldwide shadow education and social inequality: Explaining differences in the socioeconomic gap in access to shadow education across 63 societies
SR Entrich
International Journal of Comparative Sociology 61 (6), 441-475, 2020
The decision for shadow education in Japan: Students’ choice or parents’ pressure?
SR Entrich
Social Science Japan Journal 18 (2), 193-216, 2015
Socio-demographics: A global overview of inequalities in education abroad participation
N Netz, D Klasik, SR Entrich, M Barker
Education abroad, 28-42, 2020
Effects of investments in out-of-school education in Germany and Japan
SR Entrich
Contemporary Japan 26 (1), 71-102, 2014
German and Japanese Education in the Shadow - Do Out-of-School Lessons Really Contribute to Class Reproduction?
SR Entrich
IAFOR Journal of Education 2 (2), 17-53, 2014
Shadow education in Germany: Compensatory or status attainment strategy? Findings from the German LifE study
SR Entrich, W Lauterbach
IJREE–International Journal for Research on Extended Education 7 (2), 143-159, 2020
More individual choice? Students’ share in decision-making at the transition to high school in Japan (1995-2009)
SR Entrich
Asia Pacific Journal of Education 39 (3), 271-289, 2019
Understanding cross-national differences in inclusive education coverage: An empirical analysis.
SR Entrich
IAFOR Journal of Education 9 (1), 21-40, 2021
Gender-and SES-specific disparities in shadow education: Compensation for boys, status upgrade for girls? Evidence from the German LifE Study
SR Entrich
Orbis scholae 14 (2), 13-38, 2020
Fearful future: The worldwide shadow education epidemic and the reproduction of inequality outside public schooling
SR Entrich, W Lauterbach
Theorizing shadow education and academic success in East Asia, 234-256, 2021
Supplementary Education at College and Its Consequences for Individuals’ Labor Market Outcomes in the United States
SR Entrich, S Byun
IJREE–International Journal for Research on Extended Education 8 (2), 116-137, 2021
New Horizontal Inequalities in Japanese Education? Examining Socioeconomic Selectivity in Pre-College Study Abroad Intent and Participation
SR Entrich, S Fujihara
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 2022
Der Bedarf nach mehr: Erklärungen für die Persistenz der Juku-Industrie
SR Entrich
Bildung und Erziehung 69 (2), 155-174, 2016
Wer geht während der Schulzeit ins Ausland? Soziale Selektivität in der Akkumulation transnationalen Humankapitals in Japan.
SR Entrich
Japan 42, 230-261, 2019
Shadow education: new areas of inquiry in teaching, learning and development (Educación en la sombra: nuevas áreas de estudio sobre enseñanza, aprendizaje y desarrollo)
KWH Yung, SR Entrich, A Bautista
Journal for the Study of Education and Development 46 (4), 707-727, 2023
Die Zukunft Deutschlands - Die Schaffung wirklicher Chancengleichheit? Befunde aus Pisa auf dem Prüfstand
SR Entrich
GRIN Verlag, 2011
The role of institutional contexts for inequalities in study abroad intent and participation
SR Entrich, N Netz, R Matsuoka
Higher Education, 2024
The Role of English Private Tutoring for English Grades and Study Abroad Intent: The Case of Germany
SR Entrich, M Nishizaki
International Perspectives on English Private Tutoring: Theories, Practices …, 2023
„Japan's Juku: Why Academics Should Care (More)!“
SR Entrich
Sōten [Blue and wide sky]-Chiba Juku Association 30th Anniversary …, 2017
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