Non-unique factorizations: Algebraic, combinatorial and analytic theory A Geroldinger, F Halter-Koch Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2006 | 838 | 2006 |
Ideal systems: an introduction to multiplicative ideal theory F Halter-Koch CRC Press, 1998 | 335 | 1998 |
Non-unique factorizations, volume 278 of Pure and Applied Mathematics A Geroldinger, F Halter-Koch Boca Raton). Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL, 2006 | 72 | 2006 |
Halbgruppen mit divisorentheorie F Halter-Koch Expo. Math 8 (1), 27-66, 1990 | 64 | 1990 |
Quadratic irrationals: An introduction to classical number theory F Halter-Koch CRC press, 2013 | 61 | 2013 |
Kronecker function rings and generalized integral closures F Halter-Koch Taylor & Francis Group 31 (1), 45-59, 2003 | 61 | 2003 |
Finiteness theorems for factorizations F Halter-Koch Semigroup Forum 44, 112-117, 1992 | 59 | 1992 |
Finitely generated monoids, finitely primary monoids, and factorization properties of integral domains F Halter-Koch Factorization in integral domains, 31-72, 2017 | 54 | 2017 |
Elasticity of factorizations in atomic monoids and integral domains F Halter-Koch Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux 7 (2), 367-385, 1995 | 53 | 1995 |
Clifford semigroups of ideals in monoids and domains F Halter-Koch Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 21 (6), 1001-1020, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
A generalization of Davenport's constant and its arithmetical applications F Halter-Koch Colloquium Mathematicae 63 (2), 203-210, 1992 | 46 | 1992 |
Congruence monoids A Geroldinger, F Halter-Koch Acta Arithmetica 112, 263-296, 2004 | 45 | 2004 |
Non-unique factorizations: a survey A Geroldinger, F Halter-Koch Multiplicative Ideal Theory in Commutative Algebra: A Tribute to the Work of …, 2006 | 43 | 2006 |
Inside factorial monoids and integral domains ST Chapman, F Halter-Koch, U Krause Journal of Algebra 252 (2), 350-375, 2002 | 43 | 2002 |
Localizing systems, module systems, and semistar operations F Halter-Koch Journal of Algebra 238 (2), 723-761, 2001 | 39 | 2001 |
Projective modules and divisor homomorphisms A Facchini, F Halter-Koch Journal of Algebra and Its Applications 2 (04), 435-449, 2003 | 35 | 2003 |
Divisor theories with primary elements and weakly Krull domains F Halter-Koch Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana-B, 417-442, 1995 | 33 | 1995 |
Ein Approximationssatz für Halbgruppen mit Divisorentheorie F Halter-Koch Results in Mathematics 19, 74-82, 1991 | 33 | 1991 |
Arithmetical theory of monoid homomorphisms A Geroldinger, F Halter-Koch Semigroup Forum 48, 333-362, 1994 | 32 | 1994 |
Factorization of algebraic integers F Halter-Koch Ber. Math. Stat. Sektion im Forschungszentrum 191, 1-24, 1983 | 32 | 1983 |