Thiago Paulo Faleiros
Cited by
Cited by
Inductive model generation for text classification using a bipartite heterogeneous network
RG Rossi, A de Andrade Lopes, T de Paulo Faleiros, SO Rezende
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 29 (3), 361-375, 2014
On the equivalence between algorithms for Non-negative Matrix Factorization and Latent Dirichlet Allocation.
T de Paulo Faleiros, A de Andrade Lopes
ESANN, 2016
Inductive model generation for text categorization using a bipartite heterogeneous network
RG Rossi, T de Paulo Faleiros, A de Andrade Lopes, SO Rezende
2012 IEEE 12th international conference on data mining, 1086-1091, 2012
Rgcli: Robust graph that considers labeled instances for semi-supervised learning
L Berton, T de Paulo Faleiros, A Valejo, J Valverde-Rebaza, ...
Neurocomputing 226, 238-248, 2017
A coarsening method for bipartite networks via weight-constrained label propagation
A Valejo, T Faleiros, MCF de Oliveira, A de Andrade Lopes
Knowledge-Based Systems 195, 105678, 2020
Optimizing the class information divergence for transductive classification of texts using propagation in bipartite graphs
T de Paulo Faleiros, RG Rossi, A de Andrade Lopes
Pattern Recognition Letters 87, 127-138, 2017
Bipartite graph for topic extraction
T de Paulo Faleiros, A de Andrade Lopes
Twenty-Fourth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2015
A naïve bayes model based on overlapping groups for link prediction in online social networks
J Valverde-Rebaza, A Valejo, L Berton, T de Paulo Faleiros, ...
Proceedings of the 30th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, 1136-1141, 2015
Combining prompt-based language models and weak supervision for labeling named entity recognition on legal documents
V Oliveira, G Nogueira, T Faleiros, R Marcacini
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 1-21, 2024
Unsupervised learning of textual pattern based on propagation in bipartite graph
T de Paulo Faleiros, A Valejo, A de Andrade Lopes
Intelligent Data Analysis 24 (3), 543-565, 2020
Modelos probabilísticos de tópicos: desvendando o Latent Dirichlet Allocation
TP Faleiros, AA Lopes
Deep active-self learning applied to named entity recognition
JRC Neto, TP Faleiros
Intelligent Systems: 10th Brazilian Conference, BRACIS 2021, Virtual Event …, 2021
Coarsening algorithm via semi-synchronous label propagation for bipartite networks
ADB Valejo, PE Althoff, T de Paulo Faleiros, ML Chuerubim, J Yan, W Liu, ...
Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 437-452, 2021
DODFMiner: an automated tool for named entity recognition from official gazettes
GMC Guimarães, FXB da Silva, AL Queiroz, RM Marcacini, TP Faleiros, ...
Neurocomputing 568, 127064, 2024
Named entity recognition approaches applied to legal document segmentation
FXB da Silva, GMC Guimarães, RM Marcacini, AL Queiroz, VRP Borges, ...
Anais do X Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning, 210-217, 2022
New State-of-the-Art for Question Answering on Portuguese SQuAD v1. 1
EHM da Silva, J Laterza, TP Faleiros
Anais do X Symposium on Knowledge Discovery, Mining and Learning, 98-105, 2022
BERT Self-Learning Approach with Limited Labels for Document Classification
CEL Joaquim, TP Faleiros
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 278-291, 2022
Propagação em grafos bipartidos para extração de tópicos em fluxo de documentos textuais
TP Faleiros
Universidade de São Paulo, 2016
Coarsening Algorithm Based on Multi-Label Propagation for Knowledge Discovery in Bipartite Networks
ADB Valejo, PE Althoff, T de Paulo Faleiros, GP Rocha Filho, Y Zhu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2023
Does Semantic Search Performs Better than Lexical Search in the Task of Assisting Legal Opinion Writing?
DSC Pedroso, M Ladeira, T de Paulo Faleiros
2019 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2019
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Articles 1–20