Stephen Whitefield
Stephen Whitefield
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The politics and economics of democratic commitment: Support for democracy in transition societies
G Evans, S Whitefield
British Journal of Political Science 25 (4), 485-514, 1995
Identifying the bases of party competition in Eastern Europe
G Evans, S Whitefield
British Journal of Political Science 23 (4), 521-548, 1993
Political cleavages and post-communist politics
S Whitefield
Annual Review of Political Science 5 (1), 181-200, 2002
The strain of representation: How parties represent diverse voters in Western and Eastern Europe
R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield
Oxford University Press, 2012
Understanding cleavages in party systems: issue position and issue salience in 13 post-communist democracies
R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield
Comparative Political Studies 42 (2), 280-313, 2009
The structuring of political cleavages in post‐communist societies: The case of the Czech Republic and Slovakia
G Evans, S Whitefield
Political Studies 46 (1), 115-139, 1998
Political culture versus rational choice: Explaining responses to transition in the Czech Republic and Slovakia
S Whitefield, G Evans
British Journal of Political Science 29 (1), 129-154, 1999
Responding to growing European Union-skepticism? The stances of political parties toward European integration in Western and Eastern Europe following the financial crisis
R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield
European Union Politics 17 (1), 138-161, 2016
Political parties, public opinion and European integration in post-communist countries: the state of the art
R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield
European Union Politics 7 (1), 141-160, 2006
Explaining the formation of electoral cleavages in post-communist democracies
G Evans, S Whitefield
na, 2000
The Russian election of 1993: public opinion and the transition experience
S Whitefield, G Evans
Post-Soviet Affairs 10 (1), 38-60, 1994
Do expert surveys produce consistent estimates of party stances on European integration? Comparing expert surveys in the difficult case of Central and Eastern Europe
S Whitefield, MA Vachudova, MR Steenbergen, R Rohrschneider, ...
Electoral Studies 26 (1), 50-61, 2007
Attitudes towards the environment: are post-Communist societies (still) different?
P Chaisty, S Whitefield
Environmental Politics 24 (4), 598-616, 2015
The evolution of left and right in Post‐Soviet Russia
G Evans, S Whitefield
Europe-Asia Studies 50 (6), 1023-1042, 1998
Industrial power and the Soviet state
S Whitefield
Oxford University Press, 1993
Social and ideological cleavage formation in post‐communist hungary
G Evans, S Whitefield
Europe-Asia Studies 47 (7), 1177-1204, 1995
Being unequal and seeing inequality: Explaining the political significance of social inequality in new market democracies
M Loveless, S Whitefield
European Journal of Political Research 50 (2), 239-266, 2011
Forward to democracy or back to authoritarianism? The attitudinal bases of mass support for the Russian election protests of 2011–2012
P Chaisty, S Whitefield
Post-soviet affairs 29 (5), 387-403, 2013
Representation in new democracies: Party stances on European integration in post-communist Eastern Europe
R Rohrschneider, S Whitefield
The Journal of Politics 69 (4), 1133-1146, 2007
Economic ideology and political success: communist-successor parties in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary compared
G Evans, S Whitefield
Party Politics 1 (4), 565-578, 1995
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