Daniel G. Costa
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A Voice-Assisted Approach for Vehicular Data Querying from Automotive IoT-Based Databases
M Andrade, E Wanderley, M Azevedo, T Medeiros, M Silva, I Silva, ...
2023 Symposium on Internet of Things (SIoT), 1-5, 2023
The coverage problem in video-based wireless sensor networks: A survey
DG Costa, LA Guedes
Sensors 10 (9), 8215-8247, 2010
COVID‐19 pandemic: a review of smart cities initiatives to face new outbreaks
DG Costa, JPJ Peixoto
IET Smart Cities 2 (2), 64-73, 2020
A survey on multimedia-based cross-layer optimization in visual sensor networks
DG Costa, LA Guedes
Sensors 11, 5439-5468, 2011
Wireless visual sensor networks for smart city applications: A relevance-based approach for multiple sinks mobility
JPJ Peixoto, DG Costa
Future Generation Computer Systems 76, 51-62, 2017
Open-source electronics platforms as enabling technologies for smart cities: Recent developments and perspectives
DG Costa, C Duran-Faundez
Electronics 7 (12), 404, 2018
Availability issues in wireless visual sensor networks
DG Costa, I Silva, LA Guedes, F Vasques, P Portugal
Sensors 14 (2), 2795-2821, 2014
A survey of emergencies management systems in smart cities
DG Costa, JPJ Peixoto, TC Jesus, P Portugal, F Vasques, E Rangel, ...
IEEE Access 10, 61843-61872, 2022
A fuzzy-based approach for sensing, coding and transmission configuration of visual sensors in smart city applications
DG Costa, M Collotta, G Pau, C Duran-Faundez
Sensors 17 (1), 93, 2017
Cryptography in wireless multimedia sensor networks: A survey and research directions
DG Costa, S Figuerêdo, G Oliveira
Cryptography 1 (1), 4, 2017
A survey of image security in wireless sensor networks
DDO Gonçalves, DG Costa
Journal of Imaging 1 (1), 4-30, 2015
Twittersensing: An event-based approach for wireless sensor networks optimization exploiting social media in smart city applications
DG Costa, C Duran-Faundez, DC Andrade, JB Rocha-Junior, ...
Sensors 18 (4), 1080, 2018
A traffic data clustering framework based on fog computing for VANETs
MLM Peixoto, AHO Maia, E Mota, E Rangel, DG Costa, D Turgut, LA Villas
Vehicular Communications 31, 100370, 2021
Exploiting the sensing relevancies of source nodes for optimizations in visual sensor networks
DG Costa, LA Guedes
Multimedia tools and applications 64, 549-579, 2013
Visual sensors hardware platforms: A review
DG Costa
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (8), 4025-4033, 2019
A survey of technologies and recent developments for sustainable smart cycling
F Oliveira, D Nery, DG Costa, I Silva, L Lima
Sustainability 13 (6), 3422, 2021
A distributed multi-tier emergency alerting system exploiting sensors-based event detection to support smart city applications
DG Costa, F Vasques, P Portugal, A Aguiar
Sensors 20 (1), 170, 2019
A crowdsensing platform for monitoring of vehicular emissions: A smart city perspective
M Silva, G Signoretti, J Oliveira, I Silva, DG Costa
Future Internet 11 (1), 13, 2019
A tinyml soft-sensor approach for low-cost detection and monitoring of vehicular emissions
P Andrade, I Silva, M Silva, T Flores, J Cassiano, DG Costa
Sensors 22 (10), 3838, 2022
Research trends in wireless visual sensor networks when exploiting prioritization
DG Costa, LA Guedes, F Vasques, P Portugal
Sensors 15 (1), 1760-1784, 2015
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