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Bart MeulemanUniversity of LeuvenEmail confirmado em kuleuven.be
Marc Swyngedouwfull professor political sociology, KU Leuven, BelgiumEmail confirmado em kuleuven.be
Jaak BillietCeSO KU leuvenEmail confirmado em soc.kuleuven.be
Sharon BauteAssistant Professor of Comparative Social Policy, University of KonstanzEmail confirmado em uni-konstanz.de
André KrouwelVrije Universiteit AmsterdamEmail confirmado em kieskompas.nl
Stijn van KesselProfessor of Comparative Politics, Queen Mary University of LondonEmail confirmado em qmul.ac.uk
Troy D. ThomasUniversity of GuyanaEmail confirmado em uog.edu.gy
Dirk JacobsUniversité Libre de BruxellesEmail confirmado em ulb.be
Koen SlootmaeckersReader (Associate Professor) in International Politics — City St George's, University of LondonEmail confirmado em city.ac.uk
koen stroekenAssociate Professor of Africanist AnthropologyEmail confirmado em ugent.be
Eldad DavidovProfessor of Sociology, University of Cologne, Germany, and University of Zurich, SwitzerlandEmail confirmado em uni-koeln.de
Thomas PettigrewResearch Professor of Social PsychologyEmail confirmado em ucsc.edu
Peter SchmidtEmeritus Professor für empirische Sozialforschung and Member of centre for international developmentEmail confirmado em sowi.uni-giessen.de
Tijs LaenenPostdoctoral researcher, KU LeuvenEmail confirmado em kuleuven.be
Robin BerghDepartment of Psychology, Uppsala UniversityEmail confirmado em psyk.uu.se
Gert VerschraegenProfessor of Sociology, University of AntwerpEmail confirmado em uantwerpen.be
Tim ReeskensAssociate Professor, Department of Sociology, Tilburg UniversityEmail confirmado em tilburguniversity.edu
Phalet KarenhoogleraarEmail confirmado em kuleuven.be
Allan McCutcheonEmeritus Distinguished Professor, University of Nebraska-LincolnEmail confirmado em unl.edu