Koen Abts
Koen Abts
Research Manager, KU Leuven
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Populism versus democracy
K Abts, S Rummens
Political studies 55 (2), 405-424, 2007
National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic
JJ Van Bavel, A Cichocka, V Capraro, H Sjåstad, JB Nezlek, T Pavlović, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 517, 2022
Varieties of Euroscepticism and populist mobilization: Transforming attitudes from mild Euroscepticism to harsh Eurocynicism
A Krouwel, K Abts
Acta politica 42, 252-270, 2007
Defending democracy: The concentric containment of political extremism
S Rummens, K Abts
Political studies 58 (4), 649-665, 2010
Economic conditions, group relative deprivation and ethnic threat perceptions: a cross-national perspective
B Meuleman, K Abts, P Schmidt, TF Pettigrew, E Davidov
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 46 (3), 593-611, 2020
Welfare deservingness opinions from heuristic to measurable concept: The CARIN deservingness principles scale
B Meuleman, F Roosma, K Abts
Social Science Research 85, 102352, 2020
The welfare agenda of the populist radical right in Western Europe: Combining welfare chauvinism, producerism and populism
K Abts, E Dalle Mulle, S Van Kessel, E Michel
Swiss Political Science Review 27 (1), 21-40, 2021
Differentiated threat and the genesis of prejudice: group-specific antecedents of homonegativity, Islamophobia, anti-Semitism, and anti-immigrant attitudes
B Meuleman, K Abts, K Slootmaeckers, C Meeusen
Social Problems 66 (2), 222-244, 2019
Sources of Euroscepticism: Utilitarian interest, social distrust, national identity and institutional distrust
K Abts, D Heerwegh, M Swyngedouw
World Political Science 5 (1), 2009
Minimizing survey refusal and noncontact rates: do our efforts pay off?
D Heerwegh, K Abts, G Loosveldt
Survey Research Methods 1 (1), 3-10, 2007
Trust in American government: Longitudinal measurement equivalence in the ANES, 1964–2008
D Poznyak, B Meuleman, K Abts, GF Bishop
Social Indicators Research 118, 741-758, 2014
Comparing a variable-centered and a person-centered approach to the structure of prejudice
C Meeusen, B Meuleman, K Abts, R Bergh
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (6), 645-655, 2018
Social and moral psychology of COVID-19 across 69 countries
F Azevedo, T Pavlović, GG Rêgo, FC Ay, B Gjoneska, TW Etienne, ...
Scientific data 10 (1), 272, 2023
Between solidarity and competitive threat?: The ambivalence of anti-immigrant attitudes among ethnic minorities
C Meeusen, K Abts, B Meuleman
International Journal of Intercultural Relations 71, 1-13, 2019
Measuring attitudes towards Social Europe: A multidimensional approach
S Baute, B Meuleman, K Abts, M Swyngedouw
Social Indicators Research 137, 353-378, 2018
Public support for European solidarity: Between Euroscepticism and EU agenda preferences?
S Baute, K Abts, B Meuleman
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 57 (3), 533-550, 2019
Differentiated distributive justice preferences? Configurations of preferences for equality, equity and need in three welfare domains
A Van Hootegem, K Abts, B Meuleman
Social Justice Research 33 (3), 257-283, 2020
European integration as a threat to social security: Another source of Euroscepticism?
S Baute, B Meuleman, K Abts, M Swyngedouw
European Union Politics 19 (2), 209-232, 2018
Welfare state attitudes and support for social Europe: Spillover or obstacle?
S Baute, B Meuleman, K Abts
Journal of Social Policy 48 (1), 127-145, 2019
Het populistisch appel: voorbij de populaire communicatiestijl en ordinaire democratiekritiek
K Abts
Tijdschrift voor sociologie 25 (4), 2004
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