Johannes Kaiser
Johannes Kaiser
Political Participation Research @ Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE)
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Online social endorsement and Covid-19 vaccine hesitancy in the United Kingdom
A Chadwick, J Kaiser, C Vaccari, D Freeman, S Lambe, BS Loe, ...
Social media+ society 7 (2), 20563051211008817, 2021
Incidental News Exposure on Facebook as a Social Experience: The Influence of Recommender and Media Cues on News Selection
J Kaiser, TR Keller, K Kleinen-von Königslöw
Communication Research 48 (1), 77-99, 2021
The Framing of the Euro Crisis in German and Spanish Online News Media between 2010 and 2014: Does a Common European Public Discourse Emerge?
J Kaiser, K Kleinen-von Königslöw
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 55 (4), 798-814, 2017
The amplification of exaggerated and false news on social media: The roles of platform use, motivations, affect, and ideology
A Chadwick, C Vaccari, J Kaiser
American Behavioral Scientist, 00027642221118264, 2022
Partisan journalism and the issue framing of the Euro crisis: Comparing political parallelism of German and Spanish online news
J Kaiser, K Kleinen-von Königslöw
Journalism 20 (2), 331-348, 2019
Partisan blocking: Biased responses to shared misinformation contribute to network polarization on social media
J Kaiser, C Vaccari, A Chadwick
Journal of Communication 72 (2), 214-240, 2022
The campaign disinformation divide: believing and sharing news in the 2019 UK General election
C Vaccari, A Chadwick, J Kaiser
Political Communication 40 (1), 4-23, 2023
Disentangling the Effects of Thematic Information and Emphasis Frames and the Suppression of Issue-Specific Argument Effects through Value-Resonant Framing
J Kaiser
Political Communication 37 (1), 1-19, 2020
Book Lovers, Bibliophiles, and Fetishists: The Social Benefits of Heavy Book Usage.
J Kaiser, T Quandt
Psychology of Popular Media Culture 5 (4), 356-371, 2016
Emphasis Framing Effects in Political Communication – An Experimental Approach to the Role of Issue-Specific Argument Strength, Cross-Thematic Salience Emphasis Frames, and …
J Kaiser
University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts, 1-398, 2020
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