Sandra Sofia Quinteiro Rodrigues
Sandra Sofia Quinteiro Rodrigues
Professor of Biological and Animal Science, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
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Biological activities of commercial bee pollens: Antimicrobial, antimutagenic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
A Pascoal, S Rodrigues, A Teixeira, X Feás, LM Estevinho
Food and Chemical Toxicology 63, 233-239, 2014
Antimicrobial activity, phenolic profile and role in the inflammation of propolis
JC Silva, S Rodrigues, X Feás, LM Estevinho
Food and Chemical Toxicology 50 (5), 1790-1795, 2012
Portuguese bee pollen: palynological study, nutritional and microbiological evaluation
LM Estevinho, S Rodrigues, AP Pereira, X Feás
International Journal of Food Science & Technology 47 (2), 429-435, 2012
In vivo estimation of lamb carcass composition by real-time ultrasonography
A Teixeira, S Matos, S Rodrigues, R Delfa, V Cadavez
Meat science 74 (2), 289-295, 2006
Effect of sex and carcass weight on sensory quality of goat meat of Cabrito Transmontano
S Rodrigues, A Teixeira
Journal of animal science 87 (2), 711-715, 2009
Sheep and goat meat processed products quality: A review
A Teixeira, S Silva, C Guedes, S Rodrigues
Foods 9 (7), 960, 2020
Consumer perceptions towards healthier meat products
A Teixeira, S Rodrigues
Current opinion in food science 38, 147-154, 2021
Comprehensive study of honey with protected denomination of origin and contribution to the enhancement of legal specifications
A Iglesias, X Feás, S Rodrigues, JA Seijas, MP Vázquez-Tato, LG Dias, ...
Molecules 17 (7), 8561-8577, 2012
Goat meat quality. Effects of salting, air-drying and ageing processes
A Teixeira, E Pereira, ES Rodrigues
Small Ruminant Research 98 (1-3), 55-58, 2011
Breed and maturity effects on Churra Galega Bragancana and Suffolk lamb carcass characteristics: Killing-out proportion and composition
S Rodrigues, V Cadavez, A Teixeira
Meat Science 72 (2), 288-293, 2006
Physicochemical properties, fatty acid profile and sensory characteristics of sheep and goat meat sausages manufactured with different pork fat levels
A Leite, S Rodrigues, E Pereira, K Paulos, AF Oliveira, JM Lorenzo, ...
Meat science 105, 114-120, 2015
Lamb meat quality assessment by support vector machines
P Cortez, M Portelinha, S Rodrigues, V Cadavez, A Teixeira
Neural Processing Letters 24, 41-51, 2006
Sensory characterization and consumer preference mapping of fresh sausages manufactured with goat and sheep meat
K Paulos, S Rodrigues, AF Oliveira, A Leite, E Pereira, A Teixeira
Journal of food science 80 (7), S1568-S1573, 2015
Advances in sheep and goat meat products research
A Teixeira, S Silva, S Rodrigues
Advances in Food and Nutrition Research 87, 305-370, 2019
Proceedings of the 3rd IPLeiria’s International Health Congress: Leiria, Portugal. 6-7 May 2016
CC Tomás, E Oliveira, D Sousa, M Uba-Chupel, G Furtado, C Rocha, ...
BMC Health Services Research 16, 111-242, 2016
Effect of sex and carcass weight on carcass traits and meat quality in goat kids of Cabrito Transmontano
A Teixeira, MR Jimenez-Badillo, S Rodrigues
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 9 (3), 753-760, 2011
Non-genetic factors affecting live weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids
MR Jimenez-Badillo, S Rodrigues, C Sańudo, A Teixeira
Small Ruminant Research 84 (1-3), 125-128, 2009
Effect of Erica sp. Honey against Microorganisms of Clinical Importance: Study of the Factors Underlying this Biological Activity
X Feás, A Iglesias, S Rodrigues, LM Estevinho
Molecules 18 (4), 4233-4246, 2013
A preliminary study of oxidant stimulation for enhancing coal seam permeability: Effects of sodium hypochlorite oxidation on subbituminous and bituminous Australian coals
Z Jing, SA Mahoney, S Rodrigues, RD Balucan, J Underschultz, ...
International Journal of Coal Geology 200, 36-44, 2018
Pork meat quality of Preto Alentejano and commercial Largewhite Landrace cross
A Teixeira, S Rodrigues
Journal of Integrative Agriculture 12 (11), 1961-1971, 2013
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Articles 1–20