Pedro Tiago Gomes
Pedro Tiago Gomes
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Nuclear rainbow in the 16O+ 27AL system: The role of couplings at energies far above the barrier
D Pereira, R Linares, JRB Oliveira, J Lubian, LC Chamon, PRS Gomes, ...
Physics Letters B 710 (3), 426-429, 2012
Setbacks in the process of assimilation of problematic experiences in two cases of emotion-focused therapy for depression
I Mendes, C Rosa, WB Stiles, I Caro Gabalda, P Gomes, I Basto, ...
Psychotherapy Research 26 (6), 638-652, 2016
Vital analysis: annotating sensed physiological signals with the stress levels of first responders in action
P Gomes, M Kaiseler, C Queirós, M Oliveira, B Lopes, M Coimbra
2012 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2012
Are standard heart rate variability measures associated with the self-perception of stress of fire-fighters in action?
P Gomes, M Kaiseler, B Lopes, S Faria, C Queiros, M Coimbra
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), 2013 Annual …, 2013
Fistula size and hemodynamics: an experimental model in canine femoral arteriovenous fistulas
E Ramacciotti, SJ Galego, M Gomes, S Goldenberg, PDO Gomes, JP Ortiz
The Journal of Vascular Access 8 (1), 33-43, 2007
Development of mobile IoT solutions: approaches, architectures, and methodologies
N Magaia, P Gomes, L Silva, B Sousa, CX Mavromoustakis, G Mastorakis
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 8 (22), 16452-16472, 2020
Industrial and artificial Internet of Things with augmented reality
P Gomes, N Magaia, N Neves
Convergence of Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things, 323-346, 2020
Teaching cardiopulmonary auscultation in workshops using a virtual patient simulation technology—a pilot study
D Pereira, P Gomes, S Faria, R Cruz-Correia, M Coimbra
2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2016
Entrectinib in the neoadjuvant setting of anaplastic thyroid cancer: a case report
I Damásio, J Simões-Pereira, S Donato, M Horta, BM Cavaco, M Rito, ...
European Thyroid Journal 12 (1), 2023
Design and evaluation of a diaphragm for electrocardiography in electronic stethoscopes
M Martins, P Gomes, C Oliveira, M Coimbra, HP da Silva
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 67 (2), 391-398, 2019
Musical emotions in the brain-a neurophysiological study
P Gomes, T Pereira, J Conde
Neurophysiol Res. 2018; 1 (1); 12 20, 2017
Associating ECG features with firefighter's activities
J Pallauf, P Gomes, S Brás, JPS Cunha, M Coimbra
2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2011
Do basic auscultation skills need to be resuscitated? A new strategy for improving competency among nursing students
S Goldsworthy, P Gomes, M Coimbra, JD Patterson, J Langille, G Perez, ...
Nurse Education Today 97, 104722, 2021
A Proposal to Incorporate Digital Auscultation and Its Processing into an Existing Electronic Health Record.
P Gomes, S Frade, A Castro, R Cruz-Correia, MT Coimbra
HEALTHINF, 143-150, 2015
Pretreatment blood markers in the prediction of occult neck metastasis: a 10-year retrospective study
E Ventura, J Barros, I Salgado, A Millán, M Vilares, C Zagalo, P Gomes
Cureus 13 (7), 2021
As queixas subjetivas de memória num cuidado de saúde primário: Um estudo follow up
M Sousa, A Pereira, R Costa, P Gomes
Psychology, community & health 6 (1), 2017
Digital auscultation: challenges and perspectives
D Pereira, A Castro, P Gomes, JCNC Areias, ZSN Reis, MT Coimbra, ...
Encyclopedia of E-Health and Telemedicine, 910-927, 2016
Modelos de Governação na Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento
LB Gouveia, C Carvalho, FR Gouveia, J Moreira, J Ruivo, N Neves, ...
APDSI-Associação para a Promoção e Desenvolvimento da Sociedade da Informação., 2009
ORGANON–Um Sistema de Avaliação da Segurança Dinâmica de Sistemas de Potência
JL Jardim, CAS Neto, P Gomes, MG Santos
Ciclo Interno de Debates do ONS-CINTER, 2003
O Juízo dos Pais Acerca da Actividade Física dos Filhos
P Gomes
Horizonte 13, 19-22, 1996
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Articles 1–20