Sarah Bohndiek
Sarah Bohndiek
Professor of Biomedical Physics at University of Cambridge
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Contrast agents for molecular photoacoustic imaging
J Weber, PC Beard, SE Bohndiek
Nature Methods 13 (8), 639-650, 2016
Imaging biomarker roadmap for cancer studies
JPB O'Connor, EO Aboagye, JE Adams, HJWL Aerts, SF Barrington, ...
Nature reviews Clinical oncology, 2016
Production of hyperpolarized [1, 4-13C2] malate from [1, 4-13C2] fumarate is a marker of cell necrosis and treatment response in tumors
FA Gallagher, MI Kettunen, DE Hu, PR Jensen, R Zandt
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (47), 19801, 2009
Tumor imaging using hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy
KM Brindle, SE Bohndiek, FA Gallagher, MI Kettunen
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 66 (2), 505-519, 2011
Hyperpolarized [1-13C]-ascorbic and dehydroascorbic acid: vitamin C as a probe for imaging redox status in vivo
SE Bohndiek, MI Kettunen, D Hu, BWC Kennedy, J Boren, FA Gallagher, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (30), 11795-11801, 2011
Detecting treatment response in a model of human breast adenocarcinoma using hyperpolarised [1-13C] pyruvate and [1, 4-13C2] fumarate
TH Witney, MI Kettunen, DE Hu, FA Gallagher, SE Bohndiek, ...
British journal of cancer 103 (9), 1400, 2010
Molecular Photoacoustic Imaging of Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma
J Levi, SR Kothapalli, S Bohndiek, JK Yoon, A Dragulescu-Andrasi, ...
Clinical Cancer Research 19 (6), 1494-1502, 2013
A small animal Raman instrument for rapid, wide-area, spectroscopic imaging
SE Bohndiek, A Wagadarikar, CL Zavaleta, D Van de Sompel, E Garai, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (30), 12408-12413, 2013
Development and application of stable phantoms for the evaluation of photoacoustic imaging instruments
SE Bohndiek, S Bodapati, D Van De Sompel, SR Kothapalli, SS Gambhir
PloS one 8 (9), 2013
Magnetization transfer measurements of exchange between hyperpolarized [1‐13C] pyruvate and [1‐13C] lactate in a murine lymphoma
MI Kettunen, D Hu, TH Witney, R McLaughlin, FA Gallagher, SE Bohndiek, ...
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 63 (4), 872-880, 2010
Magnetic resonance imaging with hyperpolarized [1, 4-13C2] fumarate allows detection of early renal acute tubular necrosis
MR Clatworthy, MI Kettunen, DE Hu, RJ Mathews, TH Witney, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (33), 13374-13379, 2012
A clinically translatable hyperspectral endoscopy (HySE) system for imaging the gastrointestinal tract
J Yoon, J Joseph, DJ Waterhouse, AS Luthman, GSD Gordon, M Di Pietro, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1902, 2019
Oxygen Enhanced Optoacoustic Tomography (OE-OT) Reveals Vascular Dynamics in Murine Models of Prostate Cancer
MR Tomaszewski, IQ Gonzalez, JPB O'Connor, O Abeyakoon, ...
Theranostics 7 (11), 2900, 2017
Towards quantitative evaluation of tissue absorption coefficients using light fluence correction in optoacoustic tomography
FM Brochu, J Brunker, J Joseph, MR Tomaszewski, S Morscher, ...
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 36 (1), 322-331, 2017
Photoacoustic tomography detects early vessel regression and normalization during ovarian tumor response to the antiangiogenic therapy trebananib
SE Bohndiek, LS Sasportas, S Machtaler, JV Jokerst, S Hori, SS Gambhir
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 56 (12), 1942-1947, 2015
Photoacoustic imaging using genetically encoded reporters: a review
J Brunker, J Yao, J Laufer, SE Bohndiek
Journal of Biomedical Optics 22 (7), 070901, 2017
Hyperpolarized 13C spectroscopy detects early changes in tumor vasculature and metabolism after VEGF neutralization
SE Bohndiek, MI Kettunen, D Hu, KM Brindle
Cancer research 72 (4), 854-864, 2012
Grayscale-to-color: Scalable fabrication of custom multispectral filter arrays
C Williams, G Gordon, TD Wilkinson, SE Bohndiek
ACS Photonics, 2019
Detection of tumor response to a vascular disrupting agent by hyperpolarized 13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy
SE Bohndiek, MI Kettunen, D Hu, TH Witney, BWC Kennedy, ...
Molecular cancer therapeutics 9 (12), 3278-3288, 2010
Evaluation of precision in optoacoustic tomography for preclinical imaging in living subjects
J Joseph, M Tomaszewski, I Quiros-Gonzalez, J Weber, J Brunker, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine, jnumed. 116.182311, 2017
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Articles 1–20