Hubert Wagner
Cited by
Cited by
Phat–persistent homology algorithms toolbox
U Bauer, M Kerber, J Reininghaus, H Wagner
Journal of symbolic computation 78, 76-90, 2017
Efficient computation of persistent homology for cubical data
H Wagner, C Chen, E Vuçini
Workshop on Topology-based Methods in Data Analysis and Visualization, 2011
Efficient computation of 3D Morse–Smale complexes and persistent homology using discrete Morse theory
D Günther, J Reininghaus, H Wagner, I Hotz
The Visual Computer, 1-11, 2012
Unexpected topology of the temperature fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background
P Pranav, RJ Adler, T Buchert, H Edelsbrunner, BJT Jones, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 627, A163, 2019
Topological Detection of Trojaned Neural Networks
S Zheng, Y Zhang, H Wagner, M Goswami, C Chen
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) 2021, 2021
Computational topology in text mining
H Wagner, P Dłotko, M Mrozek
Computational Topology in Image Context: 4th International Workshop, CTIC …, 2012
Simplification of complexes of persistent homology computations
P Dłotko, H Wagner
Homology, Homotopy and Applications 16 (1), 49-63, 2014
The Efficiency of a Homology Algorithm based on Discrete Morse Theory and Coreductions
S Harker, K Mischaikow, M Mrozek, V Nanda, H Wagner, M Juda, ...
published in: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computational …, 2010
Effective synchronizing algorithms
R Kudłacik, A Roman, H Wagner
Expert Systems with Applications 39 (14), 11746-11757, 2012
Memory-Efficient Computation of Persistent Homology for 3D Images using Discrete Morse Theory
D Günther, J Reininghaus, H Wagner, I Hotz
Streaming algorithm for Euler characteristic curves of multidimensional images
T Heiss, H Wagner
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 17th International Conference …, 2017
Topological Data Analysis with Bregman Divergences
H Edelsbrunner, H Wagner
33rd International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2017), https …, 2016
Towards topological analysis of high-dimensional feature spaces
H Wagner, P Dłotko
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 121, 21-26, 2014
GPU Computation of the Euler Characteristic Curve for Imaging Data
F Wang, H Wagner, C Chen
38th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2022), 2022
Topological data analysis in information space
H Edelsbrunner, Z Virk, H Wagner
35th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2019), 2019
Computing homology and persistent homology using iterated Morse decomposition
P Dłotko, H Wagner
arXiv preprint arXiv:1210.1429, 2012
Slice, Simplify and Stitch: Topology-Preserving Simplification Scheme for Massive Voxel Data
H Wagner
39th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2023), 2023
Robustness of zero sets: Implementation
P Franek, M Krcál, H Wagner
EuroCG 2016, 2016
Smallest Enclosing Spheres and Chernoff Points in Bregman Geometry
H Edelsbrunner, Ž Virk, H Wagner
SoCG 2018, 2018
Mixup barcodes: quantifying geometric-topological interactions between point clouds
H Wagner, N Arustamyan, M Wheeler, P Bubenik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.15058, 2024
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Articles 1–20