Anastacio García-Martínez
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Cited by
Trajectories of evolution and drivers of change in European mountain cattle farming systems
A García-Martínez, A Olaizola, A Bernués
Animal 3 (1), 152-165, 2009
Factors influencing adoption of improved grassland management by small-scale dairy farmers in central Mexico and the implications for future research on smallholder adoption in …
CG Martínez-García, P Dorward, T Rehman
Livestock Science 152 (2-3), 228-238, 2013
On-farm comparison of feeding strategies based on forages for small-scale dairy production systems in the highlands of central Mexico
CM Arriaga-Jordán, B Albarrán-Portillo, A Espinoza-Ortega, ...
Experimental Agriculture 38 (4), 375-388, 2002
Socioeconomic and productive characterization of dual-purpose farms oriented to milk production in a subtropical region of Mexico
B Albarrán-Portillo, S Rebollar-Rebollar, A García-Martínez, R Rojo-Rubio, ...
Tropical animal health and production 47, 519-523, 2015
Performance of small-scale dairy farms in the highlands of central Mexico during the dry season under traditional feeding strategies
CG Martínez-García, AA Rayas-Amor, JP Anaya-Ortega, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 47, 331-337, 2015
Manual del técnico superior en higiene bucodental
F Villafranca, M Fernández, A García, L Hernández, L López, C Perillán, ...
España. MAD SL, 2005
Simulation of mountain cattle farming system changes under diverse agricultural policies and off-farm labour scenarios
A García-Martínez, A Bernués, AM Olaizola
Livestock Science 137 (1-3), 73-86, 2011
La cadena productiva de ganado bovino en el sur del Estado de México
JH Martínez, SR Rebollar, FJG Razo, EG Soria, BA Portillo, AG Martínez
Revista Mexicana de Agronegocios 29, 672-680, 2011
Assessment of the sustainability of dual-purpose farms by the IDEA method in the subtropical area of central Mexico
IG Salas-Reyes, CM Arriaga-Jordán, S Rebollar-Rebollar, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 47, 1187-1194, 2015
Triaxial accelerometers for recording grazing and ruminating time in dairy cows: An alternative to visual observations
AA Rayas-Amor, E Morales-Almaráz, G Licona-Velázquez, ...
Journal of Veterinary Behavior 20, 102-108, 2017
Maize silage in the dry season for grazing dairy cows in small-scale production systems in Mexico's highlands
B Albarran, A Garcia, A Espinoza, E Espinosa, CM Arriaga
Indian Journal of Animal Research 46 (4), 317-324, 2012
Milk production and fatty acid profile of dairy cows grazing four grass species pastures during the rainy season in small-scale dairy systems in the highlands of Mexico
DA Plata-Reyes, E Morales-Almaraz, CG Martínez-García, ...
Tropical animal health and production 50, 1797-1805, 2018
Dinámicas y tendencias de la ganadería doble propósito en el sur del Estado de México
A García-Martínez, B Albarrán-Portillo, F Avilés-Nova
Agrociencia 49 (2), 125-139, 2015
Desarrollo de la producción de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en el Centro de México
D García-Mondragón, I Gallego-Alarcón, A Espinoza-Ortega, ...
AquaTIC, 46-56, 2013
Factors influencing adoption of crop and forage related and animal husbandry technologies by small-scale dairy farmers in Central Mexico
Experimental Agriculture 52 (1), 87-109, 2016
Dinámica reciente de los sistemas de vacuno en el Pirineo Central y evaluación de sus posibilidades de adaptación al entorno socio-económico
AG Martínez
PQDT-Global, 2007
Spinal anaesthesia with 0.5% isobaric bupivacaine in patients with diabetes mellitus: the influence of CSF composition on sensory and motor block
M Echevarria, A Hachero, A Martinez, E Ramallo, D García-Bernal, ...
European journal of anaesthesiology 25 (12), 1014-1019, 2008
Marketing of meat sheep with intensive finishing in southern state of Mexico
J Mondragón-Ancelmo, J Hernández-Martínez, S Rebollar-Rebollar, ...
Tropical Animal Health and Production 46, 1427-1433, 2014
Socioeconomic and productive characteristics of dual purpose farms based on agrosilvopastoral systems in subtropical highlands of central Mexico
B Albarrán-Portillo, A García-Martínez, A Ortiz-Rodea, R Rojo-Rubio, ...
Agroforestry Systems 93, 1939-1947, 2019
Participatory on-farm evaluation of the response to concentrate supplementation by cows in early lactation in smallholder peasant (campesino) dairy production …
CM Arriaga-Jordán, FJ Flores-Gallegos, G Peña-Carmona, ...
The Journal of Agricultural Science 137 (1), 97-103, 2001
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