Conservation of oceanic island floras: present and future global challenges J Caujape-Castells, A Tye, DJ Crawford, A Santos-Guerra, A Sakai, ... Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 12 (2), 107-129, 2010 | 430 | 2010 |
The biology of island floras D Bramwell Cambridge University Press, 2011 | 158* | 2011 |
Conservación ex situ de plantas silvestres G Bacchetta, A Bueno Sánchez, G Fenu, B Jiménez-Alfaro, E Mattana, ... Principado de Asturias, 2008 | 142 | 2008 |
Do island plant populations really have lower genetic variation than mainland populations? Effects of selection and distribution range on genetic diversity estimates C García‐Verdugo, M Sajeva, T La Mantia, C Harrouni, F Msanda, ... Molecular Ecology 24 (4), 726-741, 2015 | 106 | 2015 |
Biogeography of mediterranean hotspot biodiversity: re-evaluating the'tertiary relict'hypothesis of macaronesian laurel forests P Kondraskov, N Schütz, C Schüßler, MM de Sequeira, AS Guerra, ... PloS one 10 (7), e0132091, 2015 | 99 | 2015 |
A local dormancy cline is related to the seed maturation environment, population genetic composition and climate E Fernández-Pascual, B Jiménez-Alfaro, J Caujapé-Castells, ... Annals of botany 112 (5), 937-945, 2013 | 94 | 2013 |
IUCN Red List assessment of the Cape Verde endemic flora: towards a global strategy for plant conservation in Macaronesia MM Romeiras, S Catarino, I Gomes, C Fernandes, JC Costa, ... Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 180 (3), 413-425, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Effects of clonality on the genetic variability of rare, insular species: the case of Ruta microcarpa from the Canary Islands M Meloni, A Reid, J Caujapé‐Castells, A Marrero, ... Ecology and Evolution 3 (6), 1569-1579, 2013 | 82 | 2013 |
Small-scale spatial genetic structure in Scopalina lophyropoda, an encrusting sponge with philopatric larval dispersal and frequent fission and fusion events A Blanquer, MJ Uriz, J Caujapé-Castells Marine Ecology Progress Series 380, 95-102, 2009 | 76 | 2009 |
Allozyme diversity in three endemic species of Cistus (Cistaceae) from the Canary Islands: intraspecific and interspecific comparisons and implications for genetic … F Batista, A Bañares, J Caujapé‐Castells, E Carqué, M Marrero‐Gómez, ... American Journal of Botany 88 (9), 1582-1592, 2001 | 72 | 2001 |
Molecular evidence of hybridisation between the endemic Phoenix canariensis and the widespread P. dactylifera with Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA … MA González-Pérez, J Caujapé-Castells, PA Sosa Plant Systematics and Evolution 247, 165-175, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |
Origin and evolution of Hawaiian endemics: new patterns revealed by molecular phylogenetic studies S Keeley, VA Funk Biology of island floras, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Island ontogenies, syngameons, and the origins and evolution of genetic diversity in the Canarian endemic flora J Caujapé-Castells, C García-Verdugo, Á Marrero-Rodríguez, ... Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 27, 9-22, 2017 | 66 | 2017 |
Historical biogeography of Androcymbium Willd. (Colchicaceae) in Africa: evidence from cpDNA RFLPs J Caujape-Castells, RK Jansen, N Membrives, J Pedrola-Monfort, ... Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 136 (4), 379-392, 2001 | 64 | 2001 |
An expanded molecular phylogeny of Plumbaginaceae, with emphasis on Limonium (sea lavenders): Taxonomic implications and biogeographic considerations K Koutroumpa, S Theodoridis, BH Warren, A Jiménez, F Celep, M Doğan, ... Ecology and Evolution 8 (24), 12397-12424, 2018 | 58 | 2018 |
Life history traits and patterns of diversification in oceanic archipelagos: a meta-analysis C García-Verdugo, BG Baldwin, MF Fay, J Caujapé-Castells Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 174 (3), 334-348, 2014 | 55 | 2014 |
Allozyme variation and structure of the Canarian endemic palm tree Phoenix canariensis (Arecaceae): implications for conservation MA González-Pérez, J Caujapé-Castells, PA Sosa Heredity 93 (3), 307-315, 2004 | 55 | 2004 |
Origins and evolution of Galapagos endemic vascular plants A Tye, J Francisco-Ortega, D Bramwell, J Caujapé-Castells The biology of island floras 10, 2011 | 54 | 2011 |
MtDNA metagenomics reveals large‐scale invasion of belowground arthropod communities by introduced species F Cicconardi, PAV Borges, D Strasberg, P Oromí, H López, ... Molecular Ecology 26 (12), 3104-3115, 2017 | 51 | 2017 |
Designing ex-situ conservation strategies through the assessment of neutral genetic markers: Application to the endangered Androcymbium gramineum J Caujapé-Castells, J Pedrola-Monfort Conservation Genetics 5 (2), 131-144, 2004 | 50 | 2004 |