Raluca Buturoiu
Raluca Buturoiu
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Fake news and the third-person effect: They are more influenced than me and you
O Ştefăniţă, N Corbu, R Buturoiu
Journal of Media Research 11 (3), 5-23, 2018
Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romania? An Analysis of Conspiracy Theories Believers’ Profiles
R Buturoiu, G Udrea, DA Oprea, N Corbu
Societies 11 (4), 138, 2021
Framing the Refugee Crisis in Online Media: A Romanian Perspective
N Corbu, R Buturoiu, F Durach
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 19 (2), 5-18, 2017
Does fake news lead to more engaging effects on social media? Evidence from Romania
N Corbu, A Bārgăoanu, R Buturoiu, O Ștefăniță
Communications 45 (s1), 694-717, 2020
Crisis of confidence in vaccination and the role of social media
F Durach, R Buturoiu, D Craiu, C Cazacu, A Bargaoanu
European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 36, 84-92, 2022
Third-person Perception and Its Predictors in the Age of Facebook.
R Buturoiu, F Durach, G Udrea, N Corbu
Journal of Media Research 10 (2), 18-36, 2017
Trust in information sources during the COVID-19 pandemic. A Romanian case study
R Buturoiu, N Corbu, DA Oprea, M Boțan
Communications 47 (3), 375-394, 2022
Moderators of Framing Effects on Political Attitudes: Is Source Credibility Worth Investigating?
R Buturoiu, N Corbu
Central European Political Studies Review 17 (2), 155-177, 2015
Managing the COVID-19 pandemic: predictors of trust in institutions in Romania
A Bārgăoanu, N Corbu, R Buturoiu, F Durach
Kybernetes 51 (7), 2398-2415, 2022
Key Words Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic. Comparing the Media and the Public Agenda.
DR Buturoiu, M Gavrilescu
Journal of Media Research 14 (2), 5-25, 2021
The East-West Divide in the European Union: A Development Divide Reframed as a Political One
A Bārgăoanu, R Buturoiu, F Durach
Development in Turbulent Times, 105-118, 2019
Facebook as a Learning Tool: Perspectives of Romanian Students in Higher Education
G Udrea, R Buturoiu, O Ștefăniță
Exploring Communication Through Qualitative Research, 180-199, 2018
Exposure to Hate Speech in the Digital Age. Effects on Stereotypes About Roma People.
DR Buturoiu, N Corbu
Journal of Media Research 13 (2), 5-26, 2020
Media Coverage in Times of Crisis. Intermedia Agenda-setting of COVID-19–related Topics
DR Buturoiu, A Voloc
Romanian Journal of Communication and Public Relations 23 (2), 7-22, 2021
Who Believes in Conspiracy Theories about the COVID-19 Pandemic in Romania? An Analysis of Conspiracy Theories Believers’ Profiles. Societies 11 (4): 138
R Buturoiu, G Udrea, DA Oprea, N Corbu
Predictors of third-person perceptions about media's influence on vaccination against COVID-19
R Buturoiu, L Vladu, F Durach, A Dumitrache
Kybernetes, 2023
Profiles of News Consumption in a High-Choice Media Environment: Evidence from Romania
DR Buturoiu, N Corbu, M Boțan
Media Literacy and Academic Research 5 (1), 95-115, 2022
Patterns of digital behaviour on instant messaging platforms. WhatsApp uses among young people from Romania
N Corbu, M Boțan, R Buturoiu, A Dumitrache
Romanian Journal of European Affairs 20 (2), 62-78, 2020
Why Europe? Narratives and Counter-narratives of European Integration
A Bārgăoanu, R Buturoiu, L Radu
Peter Lang, 2017
Media Exposure to Conspiracy vs. Anti-conspiracy Information. Effects on the Willingness to Accept a COVID-19 Vaccine.
R Buturoiu, G Udrea, AC Dumitrache, N Corbu
Central European Journal of Communication 14 (2 (29)), 237-258, 2021
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