Estefanía Martín-Barroso
Estefanía Martín-Barroso
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ORCID 0000-0001-5652-5592
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The impact of learning styles on student grouping for collaborative learning: a case study
E Alfonseca, RM Carro, E Martín, A Ortigosa, P Paredes
User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 16 (3), 377-401, 2006
Using Learning Styles for Dynamic Group Formation in Adaptive Collaborative Hypermedia Systems.
E Martín, P Paredes
ICWE Workshops, 188-198, 2004
Supporting the development of mobile adaptive learning environments: A case study
E Martin, RM Carro
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 2 (1), 23-36, 2009
Computational thinking test for beginners: Design and content validation
M Zapata-Cáceres, E Martín-Barroso, M Román-González
2020 IEEE Global Engineering Education Conference (EDUCON), 1905-1914, 2020
Accessible smartphones for blind users: A case study for a wayfinding system
JAHT M.C. Rodriguez-Sanchez, M.A. Moreno-Alvarez, E. Martín, S. Borromeo
Expert Systems with Applications 41 (16), 7210-7222, 2014
A mechanism to support context-based adaptation in m-learning
E Martín, RM Carro, P Rodríguez
Innovative Approaches for Learning and Knowledge Sharing: First European …, 2006
The competent computational thinking test: Development and validation of an unplugged computational thinking test for upper primary school
L El-Hamamsy, M Zapata-Cáceres, EM Barroso, F Mondada, JD Zufferey, ...
Journal of Educational Computing Research 60 (7), 1818-1866, 2022
Dynamic generation of adaptive web-based collaborative courses
RM Carro, A Ortigosa, E Martín, J Schlichter
Groupware: Design, Implementation, and Use: 9th InternationalWorkshop, CRIWG …, 2003
The Conceptual Framing, Design and Evaluation of Device Ecologies for Collaborative Activities
T Coughlan, TD Collins, A Adams, Y Rogers, PA Haya, E Martín
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2012
Collaborative game-based environment and assessment tool for learning computational thinking in primary school: a case study
M Zapata-Cáceres, E Martín-Barroso, M Román-González
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 14 (5), 576-589, 2021
Mind the gap: Impact on learnability of user interface design of authoring tools for teachers
D Roldán-Álvarez, E Martín, M García-Herranz, PA Haya
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 94, 18-34, 2016
User modeling and adaptation for daily routines: Providing assistance to people with special needs
E Martín, PA Haya, RM Carro
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Applying game learning analytics to a voluntary video game: Intrinsic motivation, persistence, and rewards in learning to program at an early age
M Zapata-Cáceres, E Martín-Barroso
IEEE Access 9, 123588-123602, 2021
Teenager needs in technology enhanced learning
A Adams, Y Rogers, T Coughlan, J Van-der-Linden, G Clough, E Martin, ...
Workshop on Methods of Working with Teenagers in Interaction Design, CHI 2013, 2013
Impact of using interactive devices in Spanish early childhood education public schools
E Martín, D Roldán‐Alvarez, PA Haya, C Fernández‐Gaullés, C Guzmán, ...
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning 35 (1), 1-12, 2019
Collaborative video-based learning using tablet computers to teach job skills to students with intellectual disabilities
D Roldán-Álvarez, E Martín, PA Haya
Education Sciences 11 (8), 437, 2021
Pedagogía audiovisual: Monográfico de experiencias docentes multimedia, Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.
E Martín, JH Ortega
Servicio de Publicaciones, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, 2014
ClipIt: Supporting social reflective learning through student-made educational videos
P Llinás, P Haya, MA Gutierrez, E Martín, J Castellanos, I Hernán, ...
Open Learning and Teaching in Educational Communities: 9th European …, 2014
Impact of different interaction protocols on group communication, satisfaction and learning outcomes of primary school children when using multitouch tabletops
D Roldán-Álvarez, A Bacelo, E Martín, PA Haya
Computers & Education 152, 103875, 2020
“Today I Tell” a comics and story creation app for people with autism spectrum condition
E Martin, C Cupeiro, L Pizarro, D Roldán-Álvarez, ...
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 35 (8), 679-691, 2019
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Articles 1–20