Cesar Garita
Cited by
Cited by
Towards an Architecture for Virtual Enterprises
LM Camarinha-Matos, H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, C Lima
2nd World Congress on Intelligent Manufacturing Processes & Systems - IMP&S …, 1997
VLAM‐G: A Grid‐Based Virtual Laboratory
H Afsarmanesh, RG Belleman, ASZ Belloum, A Benabdelkader, ...
Scientific Programming 10 (2), 173-181, 2002
The PRODNET Federated Information Management Approach for Virtual Enterprise Support
C Garita, H Afsarmanesh, LO Hertzberger
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 12, 151-170, 2001
Virtual enterprises and federated information sharing
H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, LO Hertzberger
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 9th International Conference, DEXA …, 1998
A reference architecture for scientific virtual laboratories
H Afsarmanesh, EC Kaletas, A Benabdelkader, C Garita, LO Hertzberger
Future Generation Computer Systems 17 (8), 999-1008, 2001
Management of Distributed Information in Virtual Enterprises - The PRODNET Approach
H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, LO Hertzberger, V Santos-Silva
4th International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising - ICE '97, 241-257, 1997
Federated information management requirements for virtual enterprises
H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, Y Ugur, A Frenkel, LO Hertzberger
Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises: Networking Industrial Enterprises …, 1999
Design of the federated information management architecture for PRODNET
H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, Y Ugur, A Frenkel, LO Hertzberger
Infrastructures for Virtual Enterprises: Networking Industrial Enterprises …, 1999
Towards a multi-layer architecture for scientific virtual laboratories
H Afsarmanesh, A Benabdelkader, EC Kaletas, C Garita, LO Hertzberger
High Performance Computing and Networking: 8th International Conference …, 2000
A survey of distributed information management approaches for virtual enterprise infrastructures
C Garita, H Afsarmanesh, LO Hertzberger
Managing virtual web organizations in the 21st century: issues and …, 2002
Enfoques de integración de información para sistemas de monitoreo de salud estructural de puentes
C Garita
Revista Tecnología en Marcha 29 (1), 96-107, 2016
TEC Digital: A case study of an e-learning environment for higher education in Costa Rica
C Garita, M Chacón-Rivas
2012 International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2012
Supporting information access rights and visibility levels in virtual enterprises
A Frenkel, H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, LO Hertzberger
E-Business and Virtual Enterprises: Managing Business-to-Business …, 2001
Towards a workflow management approach for health monitoring of bridges
C Garita, G Ortiz
Collaborative Systems for Smart Networked Environments: 15th IFIP WG 5.5 …, 2014
Workflow Support for Management of Information in PRODNET II
H Afsarmanesh, C Garita, LM Camarinha-Matos, C Lima
5th International Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems - IMS, 49-54, 1998
A case study of VO education in Costa Rica
C Garita
Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, 589-596, 2004
The e-bridge 2.0 approach for SHM of bridges in Costa Rica
G Ortiz, C Garita
Structural Health Monitoring 2015, 2015
e-Bridge 3.0: A strategic approach to structural health monitoring of bridges in Costa Rica
C Garita, G Ortiz
ICT for Promoting Human Development and Protecting the Environment: 6th IFIP …, 2016
Federated information management for virtual enterprises
C Garita
Informatics Institute, 228, 2001
Análisis de requerimientos para un sistema nacional de monitoreo de puentes
C Garita, G Ortiz, J Mora-Mora
Revista Tecnología en Marcha 31 (4), 63-72, 2018
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Articles 1–20