Mikko Aaltonen
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Suomi lasten kasvuympäristönä: Kahdeksantoista vuoden seuranta vuonna 1997 syntyneistä
T Ristikari, M Keski-Säntti, E Sutela, P Haapakorva, T Kiilakoski, ...
THL, 2018
Is the association between alcohol use and delinquency causal or spurious?
R Felson, J Savolainen, M Aaltonen, H Moustgaard
Criminology 46 (3), 785-808, 2008
Social determinants of crime in a welfare state: do they still matter?
M Aaltonen, J Kivivuori, P Martikainen
Acta Sociologica 54 (2), 161-181, 2011
Kriminologia: Rikollisuus ja kontrolli muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa
JKA Kivivuori, M Aaltonen, MJ Näsi, KEM Suonpää, PM Danielsson
Gaudeamus, 2018
Examining the generality of the unemployment–crime association
M Aaltonen, JM Macdonald, P Martikainen, J Kivivuori
Criminology 51 (3), 561-594, 2013
Social determinants of debt problems in a Nordic welfare state: A Finnish register-based study
A Oksanen, M Aaltonen, K Rantala
Journal of consumer policy 38, 229-246, 2015
Intelligence and criminal behavior in a total birth cohort: An examination of functional form, dimensions of intelligence, and the nature of offending
JA Schwartz, J Savolainen, M Aaltonen, M Merikukka, R Paananen, ...
Intelligence 51, 109-118, 2015
Immigrant crime in Norway and Finland
T Skardhamar, M Aaltonen, M Lehti
Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 15 (2 …, 2014
Long-term health and social outcomes in children and adolescents placed in out-of-home care
A Sariaslan, A Kääriälä, J Pitkänen, H Remes, M Aaltonen, H Hiilamo, ...
JAMA pediatrics 176 (1), e214324-e214324, 2022
The revenge motive in delinquency: Prevalence and predictors
J Kivivuori, J Savolainen, M Aaltonen
Acta sociologica 59 (1), 69-84, 2016
Debt problems and crime
M Aaltonen, A Oksanen, J Kivivuori
Criminology 54 (2), 307-331, 2016
Debt problems and life transitions: A register-based panel study of Finnish young people
A Oksanen, M Aaltonen, K Rantala
Journal of Youth Studies 19 (9), 1184-1203, 2016
Depression and violence in adolescence and young adults: findings from three longitudinal cohorts
R Yu, M Aaltonen, S Branje, T Ristikari, W Meeus, K Salmela-Aro, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 56 (8), 652 …, 2017
Suomalaisten väkivaltakokemukset 1980-2009
R Sirén, M Aaltonen, J Kääriäinen
Oikeuspoliittinen tutkimuslaitos, 2010
J Kivivuori, M Aaltonen, M Näsi, K Suonpää, P Danielsson
Rikollisuus ja kontrolli muuttuvassa yhteiskunnassa. Helsinki: Gaudeamus, 2018
No causal associations between childhood family income and subsequent psychiatric disorders, substance misuse and violent crime arrests: a nationwide Finnish study of> 650 000 …
A Sariaslan, J Mikkonen, M Aaltonen, H Hiilamo, P Martikainen, S Fazel
International journal of epidemiology 50 (5), 1628-1638, 2021
Participation in opioid substitution treatment reduces the rate of criminal convictions: evidence from a community study
H Vorma, P Sokero, M Aaltonen, S Turtiainen, LA Hughes, J Savolainen
Addictive behaviors 38 (7), 2313-2316, 2013
Post-release employment of desisting inmates
M Aaltonen
British Journal of Criminology 56 (2), 350-369, 2016
Socioeconomic differences in violent victimization: Exploring the impact of data source and the inclusivity of the violence concept
M Aaltonen, J Kivivuori, P Martikainen, R Sirén
European Journal of Criminology 9 (6), 567-583, 2012
Correlates of immigrant youth crime in Finland
V Salmi, J Kivivuori, M Aaltonen
European Journal of Criminology 12 (6), 681-699, 2015
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Articles 1–20