Paulo B Lourenco
Paulo B Lourenco
Professor, ISISE, University of Minho / Universidade do Minho, Dep. Civil Engineering, Portugal
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Computational strategies for masonry structures.
PJBB Lourenço
Multisurface interface model for analysis of masonry structures
PB Lourenço, JG Rots
Journal of engineering mechanics 123 (7), 660-668, 1997
Computations on historic masonry structures
PB Lourenço
Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials 4 (3), 301-319, 2002
Monitoring historical masonry structures with operational modal analysis: two case studies
LF Ramos, L Marques, PB Lourenço, G De Roeck, A Campos-Costa, ...
Mechanical systems and signal processing 24 (5), 1291-1305, 2010
Continuum model for masonry: parameter estimation and validation
PB Lourenço, JG Rots, J Blaauwendraad
Journal of structural engineering 124 (6), 642-652, 1998
Homogenised limit analysis of masonry walls, Part I: Failure surfaces
G Milani, PB Lourenço, A Tralli
Computers & structures 84 (3-4), 166-180, 2006
A micro-mechanical model for the homogenisation of masonry
A Zucchini, PB Lourenço
International journal of solids and structures 39 (12), 3233-3255, 2002
A plane stress softening plasticity model for orthotropic materials
PB Lourénço, R De Borst, JG Rots
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 40 (21), 4033-4057, 1997
Analysis of masonry structures without box behavior
PB Lourenço, N Mendes, LF Ramos, DV Oliveira
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 5 (4-5), 369-382, 2011
Structural health monitoring of civil engineering structures by using the internet of things: A review
M Mishra, PB Lourenço, GV Ramana
Journal of Building Engineering 48, 103954, 2022
Numerical models for the seismic assessment of an old masonry tower
F Peña, PB Lourenço, N Mendes, DV Oliveira
Engineering Structures 32 (5), 1466-1478, 2010
Influence of aggregates grading and water/cement ratio in workability and hardened properties of mortars
VG Haach, G Vasconcelos, PB Lourenço
Construction and Building Materials 25 (6), 2980-2987, 2011
Mortar-based systems for externally bonded strengthening of masonry
G De Felice, S De Santis, L Garmendia, B Ghiassi, P Larrinaga, ...
Materials and structures 47, 2021-2037, 2014
Ultrasonic evaluation of the physical and mechanical properties of granites
G Vasconcelos, PB Lourenço, CAS Alves, J Pamplona
Ultrasonics 48 (5), 453-466, 2008
Experimental and numerical issues in the modelling of the mechanical behaviour of masonry
PB Lourenço
Structural analysis of historical constructions II. CIMNE, Barcelona, 57-91, 1998
On the dynamics of rocking motion of single rigid‐block structures
F Peña, F Prieto, PB Lourenço, A Campos Costa, JV Lemos
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 36 (15), 2383-2399, 2007
Experimental characterization of stone masonry in shear and compression
G Vasconcelos, PB Lourenço
Construction and Building Materials 23 (11), 3337-3345, 2009
Two approaches for the analysis of masonry structures: micro and macro-modeling
PB Lourenço, JG Rots, J Blaauwendraad
Heron, 1995
3D non-linear behavior of masonry arch bridges
G Milani, PB Lourenço
Computers & Structures 110, 133-150, 2012
Analysis of masonry structures: review of and recent trends in homogenization techniques
PB Lourenço, G Milani, A Tralli, A Zucchini
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 34 (11), 1443-1457, 2007
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