Daniel Felsenstein
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Citado por
Support for rural tourism: Does it make a difference?
A Fleischer, D Felsenstein
Annals of tourism research 27 (4), 1007-1024, 2000
Local festivals and tourism promotion: The role of public assistance and visitor expenditure
D Felsenstein, A Fleischer
Journal of Travel research 41 (4), 385-392, 2003
University-related science parks—‘seedbeds’ or ‘enclaves’ of innovation?
D Felsenstein
Technovation 14 (2), 93-110, 1994
Spatial vector autoregressions
M Beenstock, D Felsenstein, M Beenstock, D Felsenstein
The econometric analysis of non-stationary spatial panel data, 129-161, 2019
The university in the metropolitan arena: impacts and public policy implications
D Felsenstein
Urban studies 33 (9), 1565-1580, 1996
Social and economic vulnerability of coastal communities to sea-level rise and extreme flooding
D Felsenstein, M Lichter
Natural hazards 71, 463-491, 2014
Assessing the costs of sea-level rise and extreme flooding at the local level: A GIS-based approach
M Lichter, D Felsenstein
Ocean & Coastal Management 59, 47-62, 2012
Regional disparities in small countries
D Felsenstein
Springer Science & Business Media, 2005
Simulating the impacts of gambling in a tourist location: Some evidence from Israel
D Felsenstein, D Freeman
Journal of Travel Research 37 (2), 145-155, 1998
Constraints to small business development across the life cycle: some evidence from peripheral areas in Israel
D Felsenstein, D Schwartz
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 5 (3), 227-246, 1993
Regional heterogeneity, conditional convergence and regional inequality
M Beenstock, D Felsenstein
Regional studies 42 (4), 475-488, 2008
Assessing land use plan implementation: Bridging the performance-conformance divide
E Feitelson, D Felsenstein, E Razin, E Stern
Land Use Policy 61, 251-264, 2017
Spatial error correction and cointegration in nonstationary panel data: regional house prices in Israel
M Beenstock, D Felsenstein
Journal of Geographical Systems 12, 189-206, 2010
Does" trickle down" work?: economic development strategies and job chains in local labor markets
J Persky, D Felzenshṭain, V Carlson
WE Upjohn Institute, 2004
How Do We Know that «But for the Incentives» the Development Would not Have Occurred
J Persky, D Felsenstein, W Wiewel
Dilemmas of urban economic development, 28-45, 1997
The econometric analysis of non-stationary spatial panel data
M Beenstock, D Felsenstein
Springer International Publishing, 2019
Estimating the impacts of crossborder competition: the case of gambling in Israel and Egypt
D Felsenstein, D Freeman
Tourism Management 22 (5), 511-521, 2001
Cost-benefit analysis using economic surpluses: a case study of a televised event
A Fleischer, D Felsenstein
Journal of Cultural Economics 26, 139-156, 2002
Nonparametric estimation of the spatial connectivity matrix using spatial panel data
M Beenstock, D Felsenstein
Geographical Analysis 44 (4), 386-397, 2012
High technology firms and metropolitan locational choice in Israel; a look at the determinants
D Felsenstein
Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography 78 (1), 43-58, 1996
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