Patrick Lanusse
Patrick Lanusse
Bordeaux INP, Université de Bordeaux, IMS UMR5218 CNRS
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Cited by
The CRONE control of resonant plants: application to a flexible transmission
A Oustaloup, B Mathieu, P Lanusse
European Journal of control 1 (2), 113-121, 1995
From fractal robustness to the CRONE control
A Oustaloup, J Sabatier, P Lanusse
FCAA 2 (1), 1-30, 1999
The CRONE toolbox for Matlab
A Oustaloup, P Melchior, P Lanusse, O Cois, F Dancla
CACSD. Conference Proceedings. IEEE International Symposium on Computer …, 2000
Proposals for fractional PIλDµ tuning
CA Monje, BM Vinagre, YQ Chen, V Feliu, P Lanusse, J Sabatier
Proceedings of the first IFAC symposium on fractional differentiation and …, 2004
Fractional order differentiation and robust control design
J Sabatier, P Lanusse, P Melchior, A Oustaloup
Intelligent systems, control and automation: science and engineering 77, 13-18, 2015
CRONE control system design toolbox for the control engineering community: tutorial and case study
P Lanusse, R Malti, P Melchior
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2013
Fractional order controller design for a flexible link manipulator robot
H Delavari, P Lanusse, J Sabatier
Asian Journal of Control 15 (3), 783-795, 2013
CRONE control of a nonlinear hydraulic actuator
V Pommier, J Sabatier, P Lanusse, A Oustaloup
Control Engineering Practice 10 (4), 391-402, 2002
Second generation CRONE control
A Oustaloup, B Mathieu, P Lanusse
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1993.'Systems Engineering in the Service of …, 1993
The crone aproach: Theoretical developments and major applications
A Oustaloup, O Cois, P Lanusse, P Melchior, X Moreau, J Sabatier
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (11), 324-354, 2006
An overview of the CRONE approach in system analysis, modeling and identification, observation and control
A Oustaloup, J Sabatier, P Lanusse, R Malti, P Melchior, X Moreau, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 41 (2), 14254-14265, 2008
CRONE control: principles and extension to time-variant plants with asymptotically constant coefficients
J Sabatier, A Oustaloup, AG Iturricha, P Lanusse
Nonlinear Dynamics 29, 363-385, 2002
Third generation CRONE control
P Lanusse, A Oustaloup, B Mathieu
Proceedings of IEEE Systems Man and Cybernetics Conference-SMC 2, 149-155, 1993
De la commande CRONE de première génération à la commande CRONE de troisième generation
P Lanusse
Bordeaux 1, 1994
From the second generation CRONE control to the CRONE suspension
A Oustaloup, X Moreau, M Nouillant
Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 1993.'Systems Engineering in the Service of …, 1993
Robust control design for multivariable plants with time-delays
DN Gruel, P Lanusse, A Oustaloup
Chemical Engineering Journal 146 (3), 414-427, 2009
Robust control of LTI square MIMO plants using two CRONE control design approaches
P Lanusse, A Oustaloup, B Mathieu
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 33 (14), 379-384, 2000
Bode optimal loop shaping with CRONE compensators
A Banos, J Cervera, P Lanusse, J Sabatier
Journal of vibration and control 17 (13), 1964-1974, 2011
Principles and synthesis of hydractive CRONE suspension
O Altet, X Moreau, M Moze, P Lanusse, A Oustaloup
Nonlinear Dynamics 38, 435-459, 2004
Towards an object oriented CRONE toolbox for fractional differential systems
R Malti, P Melchior, P Lanusse, A Oustaloup
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 10830-10835, 2011
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Articles 1–20