Can Alpaslan
Cited by
Cited by
A meta-analytic review of ethical leadership outcomes and moderators
A Bedi, CM Alpaslan, S Green
Journal of Business Ethics 139, 517-536, 2016
Preparing for evil
II Mitroff, MC Alpaslan
Harvard Business School Pub. 81, 109-115, 2003
Corporate governance in the context of crises: Towards a stakeholder theory of crisis management
CM Alpaslan, SE Green, II Mitroff
Journal of contingencies and crisis management 17 (1), 38-49, 2009
How Prepared are America's Colleges and Universities for Major Crises?
II Mitroff, MA Diamond, CM Alpaslan
Change: The Magazine of Higher Learning 38 (1), 61-67, 2006
Institutional field dynamics and the competition between institutional logics: The role of rhetoric in the evolving control of the modern corporation
SE Green Jr, M Babb, CM Alpaslan
Management Communication Quarterly 22 (1), 40-73, 2008
Crises as ill-structured messes
II Mitroff, MC Alpaslan, SE Green
International Studies Review 6 (1), 175-182, 2004
Swans, swine, and swindlers: Coping with the growing threat of mega-crises and mega-messes
I Mitroff, C Alpaslan
Stanford University Press, 2020
Imagining an education in crisis management
P Shrivastava, I Mitroff, CM Alpaslan
Journal of Management Education 37 (1), 6-20, 2013
A spiritual audit of corporate America: ten years later (spirituality and attachment theory, an interim report)
II Mitroff, EA Denton, CM Alpaslan
Journal of management, spirituality & religion 6 (1), 27-41, 2009
Reflections: What's wrong with business schools and why they need to change
II Mitroff, CM Alpaslan, ES O'Connor
Journal of Change Management 15 (2), 85-91, 2015
Ethical Management of Crises: Shareholder Value Maximisation or Stakeholder Loss Minimisation?
CM Alpaslan
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, 41-50, 2009
Exploring the moral foundations of crisis management
CM Alpaslan, II Mitroff
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 167, 120713, 2021
Rethinking the education mess: A systems approach to education reform
I Mitroff, L Hill, C Alpaslan
Springer, 2013
Bounded Morality: The Relationship Between Ethical Orientation and Crisis Management, Before and After 9/11
CM Alpaslan, I Mitroff
Current Topics in Management 6, 13-43, 2004
Using a rhetorical framework to predict corruption
CM Alpaslan, SE Green, II Mitroff
EJBO-Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organization Studies, 2008
Inquiry on inquiry: Scientific inquiry as a reflective process
CM Alpaslan, M Babb, SE Green Jr, II Mitroff
Journal of Management Inquiry 15 (1), 7-16, 2006
Preparing for evil
MC Alpaslan, II Mitroff
Harvard Business Review 81 (4), 109-115, 2003
The crisis-prone society: A brief guide to managing the beliefs that drive risk in business
I Mitroff, C Alpaslan
Springer, 2014
Organizational inquiry as a rhetorical process: The role of tropes in organizational theory and methods
S Green, CM Alpaslan, I Mitroff
Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods 8 (1), pp46‑62-pp46‑62, 2010
Przygotuj się na katastrofę
IA Mitroff, MC Alpaslan
Harvard Business Review Polska”, listopad, 2003
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