Ma Yifei
Cited by
Cited by
Towards optimal off-policy evaluation for reinforcement learning with marginalized importance sampling
T Xie, Y Ma, YX Wang
Advances in neural information processing systems 32, 2019
Electrophoretic deposition of graphene-based materials: A review of materials and their applications
Y Ma, J Han, M Wang, X Chen, S Jia
Journal of Materiomics 4 (2), 108-120, 2018
A facile salt-templating synthesis route of bamboo-derived hierarchical porous carbon for supercapacitor applications
TB Nguyen, B Yoon, TD Nguyen, E Oh, Y Ma, M Wang, J Suhr
Carbon 206, 383-391, 2023
Hierarchical porous chitosan sponges as robust and recyclable adsorbents for anionic dye adsorption
M Wang, Y Ma, Y Sun, SY Hong, SK Lee, B Yoon, L Chen, L Ci, JD Nam, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 18054, 2017
DEM analysis of failure mechanisms in the intact Brazilian test
Y Ma, H Huang
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 102, 109-119, 2018
Zero-shot recommender systems
H Ding, Y Ma, A Deoras, Y Wang, H Wang
arXiv preprint arXiv:2105.08318, 2021
Language models as recommender systems: Evaluations and limitations
Y Zhang, H Ding, Z Shui, Y Ma, J Zou, A Deoras, H Wang
Temporal-contextual recommendation in real-time
Y Ma, B Narayanaswamy, H Lin, H Ding
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
Replacing synthetic fertilizer by manure requires adjusted technology and incentives: A farm survey across China
T Zhang, Y Hou, T Meng, YF Ma, MX Tan, FS Zhang, O Oenema
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 168, 105301, 2021
Copper-assisted direct growth of vertical graphene nanosheets on glass substrates by low-temperature plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition process
Y Ma, H Jang, SJ Kim, C Pang, H Chae
Nanoscale Research Letters 10, 1-8, 2015
σ-optimality for active learning on gaussian random fields
Y Ma, R Garnett, J Schneider
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 26, 2013
Ti3C2Tx MXene/graphene oxide/Co3O4 nanorods aerogels with tunable and broadband electromagnetic wave absorption
Z Cai, Y Ma, K Zhao, M Yun, X Wang, Z Tong, M Wang, J Suhr, L Xiao, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 462, 142042, 2023
A displacement-softening contact model for discrete element modeling of quasi-brittle materials
Y Ma, H Huang
International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 104, 9-19, 2018
Tunable photoluminescence of graphene oxide from near-ultraviolet to blue
G Xin, Y Meng, Y Ma, D Ho, N Kim, SM Cho, H Chae
Materials Letters 74, 71-73, 2012
Engineering of electrolyte ion channels in MXene/holey graphene electrodes for superior supercapacitive performances
Z Cai, YF Ma, M Wang, AN Qian, ZM Tong, LT Xiao, ST Jia, XY Chen
Rare Metals 41 (6), 2084-2093, 2022
Active Search and Bandits on Graphs using Sigma-Optimality.
Y Ma, TK Huang, JG Schneider
UAI 542, 551, 2015
Multifunctional MXene/holey graphene films for electromagnetic interference shielding, Joule heating, and photothermal conversion
Z Cai, Y Ma, M Yun, M Wang, Z Tong, J Suhr, L Xiao, S Jia, X Chen
Composites Part B: Engineering 251, 110477, 2023
Operational costs and neglect of end-users are the main barriers to improving manure treatment in intensive livestock farms
M Tan, Y Hou, L Zhang, S Shi, W Long, Y Ma, T Zhang, F Li, O Oenema
Journal of Cleaner Production 289, 125149, 2021
Indemics An interactive high-performance computing framework for data-intensive epidemic modeling
KR Bisset, J Chen, S Deodhar, X Feng, Y Ma, MV Marathe
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 24 (1), 1-32, 2014
A flexible supercapacitor based on vertically oriented ‘Graphene Forest’electrodes
Y Ma, M Wang, N Kim, J Suhr, H Chae
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3 (43), 21875-21881, 2015
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Articles 1–20