Valentina Di Stasio
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Cited by
Muslim by default or religious discrimination? Results from a cross-national field experiment on hiring discrimination
V Di Stasio, B Lancee, S Veit, R Yemane
Journal of Ethnic and Migration studies 47 (6), 1305-1326, 2021
The demand side of hiring: Employers in the labor market
DB Bills, V Di Stasio, K Gërxhani
Annual Review of Sociology 43 (1), 291-310, 2017
What makes education positional? Institutions, overeducation and the competition for jobs
V Di Stasio, T Bol, HG Van de Werfhorst
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 43, 53-63, 2016
From school to fitting work: How education-to-job matching of European school leavers is related to educational system characteristics
M Levels, R Van der Velden, V Di Stasio
Acta sociologica 57 (4), 341-361, 2014
Racial discrimination in Britain, 1969–2017: a meta‐analysis of field experiments on racial discrimination in the British labour market
AF Heath, V Di Stasio
The British Journal of Sociology 70 (5), 1774-1798, 2019
The quality of industrial relations and the Lisbon Strategy
J Visser, M Beentjes, M Van Gerven, V Di Stasio
Industrial relations in Europe, 45-72, 2008
Why does education matter to employers in different institutional contexts? A vignette study in England and the Netherlands
V Di Stasio, HG Van de Werfhorst
Social Forces 95 (1), 77-106, 2016
Education as a signal of trainability: Results from a vignette study with Italian employers
V Di Stasio
European Sociological Review 30 (6), 796-809, 2014
The racialized and gendered workplace: applying an intersectional lens to a field experiment on hiring discrimination in five European labor markets
V Di Stasio, EN Larsen
Social Psychology Quarterly 83 (3), 229-250, 2020
Why are employers put off by long spells of unemployment?
E Van Belle, V Di Stasio, R Caers, M De Couck, S Baert
European Sociological Review 34 (6), 694-710, 2018
Who is ahead in the labor queue? Institutions’ and employers’ perspective on overeducation, undereducation, and horizontal mismatches
V Di Stasio
Sociology of Education 90 (2), 109-126, 2017
Discrimination unveiled: a field experiment on the barriers faced by Muslim women in Germany, the Netherlands, and Spain
M Fernández-Reino, V Di Stasio, S Veit
European Sociological Review 39 (3), 479-497, 2023
Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination
EN Larsen, V Di Stasio
Journal of ethnic and migration studies 47 (6), 1201-1221, 2021
Employers’ social contacts and their hiring behavior in a factorial survey
V Di Stasio, K Gërxhani
Social Science Research 51, 93-107, 2015
Ethnic penalties and hiring discrimination: comparing results from observational studies with field experiments in the UK
W Zwysen, V Di Stasio, A Heath
Sociology 55 (2), 263-282, 2021
‘Diversion or safety net?’Institutions and public opinion on vocational education and training
V Di Stasio
Journal of European Social Policy 27 (4), 360-372, 2017
The GEMM study: A cross-national harmonized field experiment on labour market discrimination: Technical report
B Lancee, G Birkelund, M Coenders, V Di Stasio, M Fernandez Reino, ...
Available at SSRN 3398191, 2019
Education as social policy: An introduction
V Di Stasio, H Solga
Journal of European Social Policy 27 (4), 313-319, 2017
Are employers in Britain discriminating against ethnic minorities?
V Di Stasio
The Migration Observatory, 2019
Labour market shortages in the European Union
D Reymen, M Gerard, P De Beer, A Meierkord, M Paskov, V di Stasio, ...
WIFO Studies, 2015
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Articles 1–20