Sebastian Gottschalk
Cited by
Cited by
VREUD-an end-user development tool to simplify the creation of interactive VR scenes
E Yigitbas, J Klauke, S Gottschalk, G Engels
2021 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2021
Model-based product configuration in augmented reality applications
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, E Schmidt, G Engels
International conference on human-centred software engineering, 84-104, 2020
Continuous situation-specific development of business models: knowledge provision, method composition, and method enactment
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, A Nowosad, G Engels
Software and Systems Modeling 22 (1), 47-73, 2023
Hypothesis-driven adaptation of business models based on product line engineering
S Gottschalk, F Rittmeier, G Engels
2020 IEEE 22nd Conference on Business Informatics (CBI) 1, 134-143, 2020
Proconar: A tool support for model-based AR product configuration
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, E Schmidt, G Engels
International Conference on Human-Centred Software Engineering, 207-215, 2020
Situation-specific business model development methods for mobile app developers
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, A Nowosad, G Engels
International Conference on Business Process Modeling, Development and …, 2021
Model-based hypothesis engineering for supporting adaptation to uncertain customer needs
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, G Engels
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 276-286, 2020
Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual reality
E Yigitbas, M Schmidt, A Bucchiarone, S Gottschalk, G Engels
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2022
Intertwined development of business model and product functions for mobile applications: a twin peak feature modeling approach
S Gottschalk, F Rittmeier, G Engels
International Conference on Software Business, 192-207, 2019
GaMoVR: Gamification-based UML learning environment in virtual reality
E Yigitbas, M Schmidt, A Bucchiarone, S Gottschalk, G Engels
Science of Computer Programming 231, 103029, 2024
End-user development for interactive web-based virtual reality scenes
E Yigitbas, J Klauke, S Gottschalk, G Engels
Journal of Computer Languages 74, 101187, 2023
Methoden zum Design digitaler Plattformen, Geschäftsmodelle und Service-Ökosysteme
S Robra-Bissantz, C Lattemann, R Laue, R Leonhard-Pfleger, L Wagner, ...
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 59 (5), 1227-1257, 2022
Business models of store-oriented software ecosystems: a variability modeling approach
S Gottschalk, F Rittmeier, G Engels
Business Modeling and Software Design: 9th International Symposium, BMSD …, 2019
Situation-and domain-specific composition and enactment of business model development methods
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, A Nowosad, G Engels
International Conference on Product-Focused Software Process Improvement …, 2021
Low-code experimentation on software products
S Gottschalk, R Bhat, N Weidmann, J Kirchhoff, G Engels
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering …, 2022
Architecting and Engineering Value-Based Ecosystems
P Pelliccione, B Buhnova, S Gottschalk, I Weber, G Engels
Software Architecture: Research Roadmaps from the Community, 41-68, 2023
Detecting data incompatibilities in process-driven decision support systems
J Kirchhoff, S Gottschalk, G Engels
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 89-103, 2022
Extending business model development tools with consolidated expert knowledge
S Gottschalk, J Kirchhoff, G Engels
International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, 3-21, 2021
Towards Visualizing and simulating Business Models in Dynamic Platform Ecosystems.
C Vorbohle, S Gottschalk
ECIS, 2021
Model-driven continuous experimentation on component-based software architectures
S Gottschalk, E Yigitbas, G Engels
2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture Companion …, 2022
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Articles 1–20