Los objetos de adorno-colgantes del Paleolítico Superior y del Mesolítico en la cornisa cantábrica y en el valle del Ebro: una visión europea E Álvarez-Fernández Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2006 | 263 | 2006 |
Shell artefact production at 32,000–28,000 BP in Island Southeast Asia: thinking across media? K Szabó, A Brumm, P Bellwood Current Anthropology 48 (5), 701-723, 2007 | 161 | 2007 |
The use of Proboscidean remains in every-day Palaeolithic life S Gaudzinski, E Turner, AP Anzidei, E Àlvarez-Fernández, ... Quaternary International 126, 179-194, 2005 | 149 | 2005 |
Humans and marine resource interaction reappraised: Archaeofauna remains during the late Pleistocene and Holocene in Cantabrian Spain E Álvarez-Fernández Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 (3), 327-343, 2011 | 130 | 2011 |
On the industrial attributions of the Aterian and Mousterian of the Maghreb HL Dibble, V Aldeias, Z Jacobs, DI Olszewski, Z Rezek, SC Lin, ... Journal of Human Evolution 64 (3), 194-210, 2013 | 121 | 2013 |
Radiocarbon evidence of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic transition in southwestern Europe O Jöris, E Álvarez-Fernández, B WENINGER Trabajos de prehistoria 60 (2), 15-38, 2003 | 101 | 2003 |
New Excavations at the Site of Contrebandiers Cave, Morocco. HL Dibble, D Reed, Z Rezek, D Richter, RG Roberts, D Sandgathe, ... PaleoAnthropology 2012, 145-201, 2012 | 97 | 2012 |
L'axe Rhin-Rhône au Paléolithique supérieur récent: l'exemple des mollusques utilisés comme objets de parure E Alvarez-Fernández L'Anthropologie 105 (4), 547-564, 2001 | 81 | 2001 |
Occurrence of whale barnacles in Nerja Cave (Málaga, southern Spain): indirect evidence of whale consumption by humans in the Upper Magdalenian E Álvarez-Fernández, RP Carriol, JF Jordá, JE Aura, B Avezuela, E Badal, ... Quaternary International 337, 163-169, 2014 | 73 | 2014 |
La explotación de los moluscos marinos en la Cornisa Cantábrica durante el Gravetiense: primeros datos de los niveles E y F de La Garma A (Omoño, Cantabria) E Alvarez-Fernández Zephyrvs 60, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
The use of Columbella rustica (class: gastropoda) in the Iberian Peninsula and Europe during the Mesolithic and the early Neolithic E Álvarez-Fernández IV Congreso del Neolítico Peninsular: 27-30 de noviembre de 2006, 103-111, 2008 | 69 | 2008 |
Initial investigations into the exploitation of coastal resources in North Africa during the Late Pleistocene at Grotte des Contrebandiers, Morocco TE Steele, E Álvarez-Fernández Trekking the shore: Changing coastlines and the antiquity of coastal …, 2011 | 67 | 2011 |
Perforated Homalopoma sanguineum from Tito Bustillo (Asturias): mobility of Magdalenian groups in northern Spain E Álvarez-Fernández Antiquity 76 (293), 641-646, 2002 | 67 | 2002 |
Ressources complémentaires et mobilité dans le Magdalénien cantabrique. Nouvelles données sur les mammifères marins, les crustacés, les mollusques et les roches organogènes de … MS Corchón, A Mateos, E Álvarez-Fernández, E Peñalver, X Delclòs, ... L'Anthropologie 112 (2), 284-327, 2008 | 62 | 2008 |
Re-evaluating the Neolithic: the impact and the consolidation of farming practices in the Cantabrian region (northern Spain) M Cubas, J Altuna, E Alvarez-Fernández, A Armendariz, MA Fano, ... Journal of World Prehistory 29, 79-116, 2016 | 59 | 2016 |
Early personal ornaments: A review of shells as personal ornamentation during the African Middle Stone Age TE Steele, E Álvarez Fernández, E Hallett PaleoAnthropology, 24-51, 2019 | 54 | 2019 |
Local amber in a Palaeolithic context in Cantabrian Spain: the case of La Garma A E Peñalver, E Álvarez-Fernández, P Arias, X Delclòs, R Ontañón Journal of Archaeological Science 34 (6), 843-849, 2007 | 52 | 2007 |
Mollusc shell sizes in archaeological contexts in Northern Spain (13 200 to 2600 cal BC): new data from la Garma A and los Gitanos (Cantabria) E ÁLVAREZ‐FERNÁNDEZ, A Chauvin, M Cubas, P Arias, R Ontañón Archaeometry 53 (5), 963-985, 2011 | 49 | 2011 |
La presencia de ámbar en los yacimientos prehistóricos (del Paleolítico Superior a la Edad del Bronce) de la Cornisa Cantábrica y sus fuentes de aprovisionamiento E Álvarez-Fernández, E Peñalver Mollá, X Delclòs Martínez Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (España), 2005 | 49 | 2005 |