A. Augusto Sousa
A. Augusto Sousa
Professor of Computer Graphics, University of Porto
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Cited by
The effects of body position on Reflexive Motor Acts and the sense of presence in virtual environments
M Bessa, M Melo, AA De Sousa, J Vasconcelos-Raposo
Computers & Graphics 71, 35-41, 2018
DinofelisAR demo augmented reality based on natural features
AGR Marto, AA de Sousa, AJM Gonçalves
2017 12th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI …, 2017
Interactive technology: teaching people with autism to recognize facial emotions
JC Miranda, T Fernandes, AA Sousa, V Orvalho
Autism Spectrum Disorders-From Genes to Environment, 299-312, 2011
A temporal focus+ context visualization model for handling valid-time spatial information
A Carvalho, AA De Sousa, C Ribeiro, E Costa
Information Visualization 7 (3-4), 265-274, 2008
Layered shape grammars for procedural modelling of buildings
D Jesus, A Coelho, AA Sousa
The Visual Computer 32, 933-943, 2016
Automatic street surface modeling for web-based urban information systems
MD Robles-Ortega, L Ortega, A Coelho, F Feito, A de Sousa
Journal of urban planning and development 139 (1), 40-48, 2013
Sketch express: facial expressions made easy
JC Miranda, X Alvarez, J Orvalho, D Gutierrez, AA Sousa, V Orvalho
Proceedings of the Eighth Eurographics Symposium on Sketch-Based Interfaces …, 2011
Emprego apoiado: uma primeira abordagem
A Sousa
Psicologia 14 (1), 73-82, 2000
Facial synthesys of 3D avatars for therapeutic applications
V Orvalho, J Miranda, AA Sousa
Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2009, 96-98, 2009
DinofelisAR: Users’ perspective about a mobile AR application in cultural heritage
A Marto, A Gonçalves, AA de Sousa
VR Technologies in Cultural Heritage: First International Conference, VRTCH …, 2019
Best multiple-view selection for the visualization of urban rescue simulations
PM Moreira, LP Reis, AA De Sousa
International journal of simulation modelling 5 (4), 167-173, 2006
A scalable implementation of an interactive increasing realism ray-tracing algorithm
AA de Sousa, FN Ferreira
International Conference on Vector and Parallel Processing, 458-469, 1996
What a feeling: Learning facial expressions and emotions
V Orvalho, J Miranda, A Sousa
Prisma. com, 159-169, 2009
Reconstruction of illumination functions using bicubic Hermite interpolation
RM Bastos, AA de Sousa, FN Ferreira
Fourth Eurographics Workshop on Rendering, 317-326, 1993
Structural mechanics: a didactic experimental set-up and its virtual tool
JMMC Marques, MTBV de Almeida, AA de Sousa, F Castro, J Portela, ...
ICETA 2008, 2008
Modelling urban scenes for LBMS
AF Coelho, AA de Sousa, FN Ferreira
Proceedings of the tenth international conference on 3D Web technology, 37-46, 2005
Mind the gap: bridging the transversal and transferable skills chasm in a public engineering school
A Freitas, P Garcia, H Lopes, A de Sousa
2018 3rd International Conference of the Portuguese Society for Engineering …, 2018
3D Modelling of Large Urban Scenes from Diverse Sources of Information.
AFF Coelho, AA de Sousa, FN Ferreira
ELPUB, 2003
An Urban Ontology to Generate Collaborative Virtual Environments for Municipal Planning and Management.
T Martins, PB Silva, A Coelho, AA de Sousa
GRAPP/IVAPP, 507-510, 2012
Utilização do resíduo proveniente do desdobramento de rochas ornamentais na confecção de tijolos ecológicos de solo-cimento
JD Mota, DF Oliveira, AAP De Sousa, E Laranjeira, MRS Monteiro
Campina Grande, PB.[201-], 2010
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Articles 1–20