Mirjam Tuk
Mirjam Tuk
Associate professor of Marketing, RSM Erasmus University
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Receiver responses to rewarded referrals: the motive inferences framework
PWJ Verlegh, G Ryu, MA Tuk, L Feick
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 41, 669-682, 2013
Sales and sincerity: The role of relational framing in word-of-mouth marketing
MA Tuk, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts, DHJ Wigboldus
Journal of Consumer Psychology 19 (1), 38-47, 2009
The Propagation of Self-Control: Self-Control in One Domain Simultaneously Improves Self-Control in Other Domains
MA Tuk, K Zhang, S Sweldens
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 144 (3), 2015
Inhibitory spillover: Increased urination urgency facilitates impulse control in unrelated domains
MA Tuk, D Trampe, L Warlop
Psychological Science 22 (5), 627-633, 2011
Customers or sellers? The role of persuasion knowledge in customer referral
PWJ Verlegh, C Verkerk, MA Tuk, A Smidts
Advances in Consumer Research 31 (1), 304-305, 2004
Is friendship silent when money talks? How people respond to word-of-mouth marketing
M Tuk
Interpersonal relationships moderate the effect of faces on person judgments
MA Tuk, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts, DHJ Wigboldus
European Journal of Social Psychology 39 (5), 757-767, 2009
You and I have nothing in common: The role of dissimilarity in interpersonal influence
MA Tuk, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts, DHJ Wigboldus
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes 151, 49-60, 2019
Social knowledge for e-governance: Theory and technology of reputation
M Paolucci, T Eymann, W Jager, J Sabater-Mir, R Conte, S Marmo, ...
The emotional information processing system is risk averse: Ego-depletion and investment behavior
B De Langhe, S Sweldens, S Van Osselaer, M Tuk
ERIM report series research in management Erasmus Research Institute of …, 2008
How to study consciousness in consumer research, A commentary on Williams and Poehlman
S Sweldens, MA Tuk, M Hütter
Journal of Consumer Research 44 (2), 266-275, 2017
Assessing consequences of component sharing across brands in the vertical product line in the automotive market
PC Verhoef, KH Pauwels, MA Tuk
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (4), 559-572, 2012
Do versus don’t: The impact of framing on goal-level setting
MA Tuk, S Prokopec, B Van den Bergh
Journal of Consumer Research 47 (6), 1003-1024, 2021
" Activation of Salesperson Stereotypes Affects Perceptions of Word-of-Mouth Referral".
MA Tuk, PWJ Verlegh, A Smidts, DHJ Wigboldus
Advances in Consumer Research 32 (1), 2005
Giving AI a Human Touch: Highlighting Human Input Increases the Perceived Helpfulness of Advice from AI Coaches
Y Zhang, MA Tuk, AK Klesse
Journal of the Association for Consumer Research 9 (3), 000-000, 2024
Defecatory urge increases cognitive control and intertemporal patience in healthy volunteers
D Zhao, M Corsetti, M Moeini‐Jazani, N Weltens, M Tuk, T Jan, L Warlop, ...
Neurogastroenterology & Motility 31 (7), e13600, 2019
Acceptability lies in the eye of the beholder: Self-other biases in GenAI collaborations
B Celiktutan, AK Klesse, MA Tuk
International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2024
Algorithm Aversion
AK Klesse, Y Zhang, MA Tuk
Elgar Encyclopedia of Consumer Behavior, 5-8, 2024
Wat gebeurt er als je consumenten beloont voor mond tot mond reclame?
M Tuk, P Verlegh, A Smidts, D Wigboldus
Ontwikkelingen in het marktonderzoek: jaarboek.../MarktOnderzoekAssociatie …, 2009
Competitive Paper Session: Cause Marketing and Consumer Skepticism.
V Swaen, J Vanhamme, PWJ Varlegh, C Verkerk, MA Tuk, A Smidts, ...
Advances in Consumer Research 31 (1), 2004
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