Anya E Vostinar
Anya E Vostinar
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Open-ended evolution: Perspectives from the OEE workshop in York
T Taylor, M Bedau, A Channon, D Ackley, W Banzhaf, G Beslon, E Dolson, ...
Artificial life 22 (3), 408-423, 2016
Sustainable computational science: the ReScience initiative
NP Rougier, K Hinsen, F Alexandre, T Arildsen, LA Barba, FCY Benureau, ...
PeerJ Computer Science 3, e142, 2017
The MODES toolbox: Measurements of open-ended dynamics in evolving systems
EL Dolson, AE Vostinar, MJ Wiser, C Ofria
Artificial life 25 (1), 50-73, 2019
Spatial structure can decrease symbiotic cooperation
AE Vostinar, C Ofria
Artificial life 24 (4), 229-249, 2019
Suicidal selection: Programmed cell death can evolve in unicellular organisms due solely to kin selection
AE Vostinar, HJ Goldsby, C Ofria
Ecology and evolution 9 (16), 9129-9136, 2019
Artificial selection methods from evolutionary computing show promise for directed evolution of microbes
A Lalejini, E Dolson, AE Vostinar, L Zaman
Elife 11, e79665, 2022
Symbiosis in Digital Evolution: Past, Present, and Future
AE Vostinar, K Skocelas, A Lalejini, L Zaman
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 748, 2021
What's holding artificial life back from open-ended evolution?
E Dolson, A Vostinar, C Ofria
Authorea Preprints, 2023
The boundedness illusion: Asymptotic projections from early evolution underestimate evolutionary potential
MJ Wiser, EL Dolson, A Vostinar, RE Lenski, C Ofria
PeerJ Preprints 6, e27246v2, 2018
AE Vostinar
More bang for your buck: quorum-sensing capabilities improve the efficacy of suicidal altruism
A Johnson, E Strauss, R Pickett, C Adami, I Dworkin, H Goldsby
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 120-128, 2014
Artificial selection methods from evolutionary computing show promise for directed evolution of microbes. eLife 11 (Aug. 2022), e79665
A Lalejini, E Dolson, AE Vostinar, L Zaman
Publisher: eLife Sciences Publications, Ltd. Google Scholar Google Scholar …, 2022
Expanding undergraduate exposure to computer science subfields: Resources and lessons from a hands-on computational biology workshop
L Oesper, A Vostinar
Proceedings of the 51st ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2020
Sustainable computational science: the ReScience initiative, PeerJ Computer Science, 3, e142
NP Rougier, K Hinsen, F Alexandre, T Arildsen, LA Barba, FCY Benureau, ...
Endosymbiosis or bust: Influence of ectosymbiosis on evolution of obligate endosymbiosis
K Johnson, P Welch, E Dolson, AE Vostinar
ALIFE 2022: The 2022 Conference on Artificial Life, 2022
Signals in the Dark: What factors select for the evolution of cooperation controlled by quorum sensing?
AE Vostinar, J Fenton, C Waters, C Ofria
Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, 651-658, 2018
The evolution of kin inclusivity levels
AE Johnson, HJ Goldsby, S Goings, C Ofria
Proceedings of the 2014 Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary …, 2014
Selection schemes from evolutionary computing show promise for directed evolution of microbes
A Lalejini, E Dolson, AE Vostinar, L Zaman
Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion …, 2022
Symbiosis in Digital Evolution: A Review and Future Directions
AE Vostinar, KG Skocelas, A Lalejini, L Zaman
Proceedings of Artificial Life Conference 2022, 16, 2022
Symbulation (v0. 1)
AE Vostinar
Zenodo. doi 10, 2021
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Articles 1–20