Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat IPCC Report-Rapport du GIEC, 2022 | 2758 | 2022 |
Ecosystems, their properties, goods and services A Fischlin, GF Midgley, L Hughs, J Price, R Leemans, B Gopal, C Turley, ... Climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability, 211-272, 2007 | 1219 | 2007 |
High mountain areas R Hock, G Rasul, C Adler, B Cáceres, S Gruber, Y Hirabayashi, ... IPCC special report on the ocean and cryosphere in a changing climate, 131-202, 2019 | 943 | 2019 |
Terrestrial and inland water systems J Settele, R Scholes, R Betts, S Bunn, P Leadley, D Nepstad, JT Overpeck, ... Climate change 260, 271-359, 2014 | 678 | 2014 |
Climate risks and their impact on agriculture and forests in Switzerland J Fuhrer, M Beniston, A Fischlin, C Frei, S Goyette, K Jasper, C Pfister Climate variability, predictability and climate risks: a European …, 2006 | 318 | 2006 |
Climate change impacts on forests MUF Kirschbaum, A Fischlin | 269 | 1996 |
A synopsis of land use, land-use change and forestry (LULUCF) under the Kyoto Protocol and Marrakech Accords B Schlamadinger, N Bird, T Johns, S Brown, J Canadell, L Ciccarese, ... Environmental Science & Policy 10 (4), 271-282, 2007 | 239 | 2007 |
Climate change 2022: Impacts, adaptation and vulnerability HO Pörtner, DC Roberts, H Adams, C Adler, P Aldunce, E Ali, ... IPCC, 2022 | 222 | 2022 |
The larch budmoth in the Alps W Baltensweiler, A Fischlin Dynamics of forest insect populations: patterns, causes, implications, 331-351, 1988 | 193 | 1988 |
Dynamical effects of plant quality and parasitism on population cycles of larch budmoth P Turchin, SN Wood, SP Ellner, BE Kendall, WW Murdoch, A Fischlin, ... Ecology 84 (5), 1207-1214, 2003 | 186 | 2003 |
Linking GCM-simulated climatic changes to ecosystem models: case studies of statistical downscaling in the Alps D Gyalistras, H Von Storch, A Fischlin, M Beniston Climate Research, 167-189, 1994 | 155 | 1994 |
Increasing impacts of climate change upon ecosystems with increasing global mean temperature rise R Warren, J Price, A Fischlin, S de la Nava Santos, G Midgley Climatic Change 106, 141-177, 2011 | 151 | 2011 |
Sensitivity of plant and soil ecosystems of the Alps to climate change JP Theurillat, F Felber, P Geissler, JM Gobat, M Fierz, A Fischlin, P Küpfer, ... Views from the Alps: regional perspectives on climate change, 225-308, 1998 | 119 | 1998 |
Sensitivity of a forest ecosystem model to climate parametrization schemes A Fischlin, H Bugmann, D Gyalistras Environmental Pollution 87 (3), 267-282, 1995 | 106 | 1995 |
Vegetation responses to climate change in the Alps: modeling studies H Lischke, A Guisan, A Fischlin, H Bugmann Views from the Alps: regional perspectives on climate change, 309-350, 1998 | 96 | 1998 |
Aggregation of individual trees and patches in forest succession models: capturing variability with height structured, random, spatial distributions H Lischke, TJ Löffler, A Fischlin Theoretical population biology 54 (3), 213-226, 1998 | 88 | 1998 |
Systems analysis of the larch bud moth system: 1. The larch-larch bud moth relationship A Fischlin, W Baltensweiler Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft.= Bulletin de …, 1979 | 82* | 1979 |
Climate change 2007: impacts, adaptation and vulnerability. Contribution of working group II to the fourth assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change A Fischlin, GF Midgley, JT Price, R Leemans, B Gopal, C Turley, ... IPCC fourth assessment report: climate change, 2007 | 78 | 2007 |
Terrestrial and inland water systems. Climate change 2014 impacts, adaptation and vulnerability: Part A: global and sectoral aspects J Settele, R Scholes, R Betts, S Bunn, P Leadley, D Nepstad, JT Overpeck, ... Proceedings of Working Group II to the Fifth Assessment Report of the …, 2014 | 75 | 2014 |
Using an ecosystem model linked to GCM‐derived local weather scenarios to analyse effects of climate change and elevated CO2 on dry matter production and … M Riedo, D Gyalistras, A Fischlin, JG Fuhrer Global Change Biology 5 (2), 213-223, 1999 | 71 | 1999 |